Friday, July 15, 2022

Why President Biden Will Not Seek Re-election In 2024.

 The noise machine for months has engaged in dumping their negative thoughts on the country's economy predicting doom and gloom while willfully over looking the positives taking place such as the good job numbers reported for June.  And now the noise machine is in full swing trying to convince the voters that no one wants the President to run for reelection in 2024 etc., etc., etc.  But all the noise machine has to offer is misinformation they believe will help the GOP in the mid term elections.

It's time to set the record straight.  The President will not run for a second term.  There are several reasons why.  The President has a physical problem moving about which is noticeable and not uncommon for a person his age.  The President lacks articulation in his speaking, still stutters to some degree and does not make a vibrant appearance.  Some take this to be a mental problem but that is not the case.  He is just not a personality person to speak of.  Franklin Roosevelt, the long time democratic President had a physical handicap with polio and in later years spent most of his time in a wheel chair.  But he was a great communicator and speaker and overcame his physical problems.  Plus the media in those days were not in the business 24/7, television was no where around and most journalists were real journalists.

The President is mentally capable of governing and the progress made both domestically and internationally in his first 17 months in office was sound by any fair standard.  His priority after taking office was COVID Relief, Infrastructure and Build Back Better legislation.  COVID and infrastructure became law and moved the country forward, regained all public sector jobs lost due to the recession in 2020 and lowered the unemployment rate to 3.6%.  Over 8 million jobs were added to the economy in 17 months, a record.  The President's BBB legislation was put on hold only because two democratic senators wanted to satisfy their own ego with the power they held because of a split U.S. Senate.  They ignored the people's vote for the President and his policies.

President Biden is not the usual politician and puts his country and its people first.  He recognizes his physical problems and will be satisfied to see the country and its people do well on his watch, as they are doing now in spite of inflation.(which by the way is coming down).  Being President is not an ego trip for Biden and he has served his country well at a time in need in the congress and as President.  This writer believes the President will make his announcement at the proper time and will not be forced by the media or anyone else to meet their time schedule to make the announcement.

The President was elected to serve 4 years and has 31 more months in office.  The media and the GOP would like the President to make the announcement early, that way they can go to their usual BS of declaring Biden a "lame duck President and get nothing done."  Hopefully, the President will announce his intentions in 2024.  That is time enough for any democrat worth his salt and wants to run for President to make his case.

The bottom line is President Biden, a decent man and a different kind of politician, will not seek reelection and will be satisfied in knowing his administration moved the country and its people forward at a difficult time and that the country and its people will be in better shape than when he took office.

This commentary written by Joe  Lorio