Saturday, June 22, 2013

President Obama Should Do More

The President's job performance is proof that he was the better candidate than any of the republicans who sought their party's nomination during the last two Presidential elections.  And at the present time Obama is still better than any republican on the scene that has Presidential aspirations. 

The President's weakness has been his inability and lack of desire to battle the republicans in congress who have been traitors to their own party, the country, the people and what responsibility is all about.  Their vow to not work with the President has been badly answered by Obama and he should have studied how President Truman handled the same problem with the republicans during his term in office. 

Truman was not shy about challenging the republicans.  He called them the do nothing republicans in congress and said they were a bunch of damn liars.  President Obama needs to be more combative with the republicans and point out that 50 plus years after Truman they are still a bunch of liars.  He should be challanging the U.S. House every day to pass his jobs bill they have been sitting on for over a year and return to his 2012 reelection theme.

The President needs to start slapping the faces of the little bullies in the republican party.  One can not negotiate with a bully, it takes strength and a desire to engage them and beat them at their own game.  A bully is a coward who tries to intimidate because he can not compete with truth or facts.  Obama can not be a Trumam but he can learn from Truman's actions to deal with the republicans and their destructive behavior.

This commentary written by John Lucia

Political Journalists Just Do Not Get It

It matters not if journalists are on radio, television or the print media, they have yet to understand why republicans in congress and their Presidential candidates act like they do towards democrats.  This writer has pointed out many times over in commentary here in "politidose" the reasons why.  From A to Z the republican party has failed the country and its people on all the important issues they themselves talk about;  balanced budgets, deficit spending, cutting federal spending, job creation, a lasting economy, keeping America safe, low unemployment, fair taxation and the list goes on and on.  It is the democratic party that has the better record of handling all of those issues. 

When you have no positive record to run on or debate you engage in personal attacks and name calling and vow not to lift a finger to help your country and its people.  You also have to use wedge issues such as abortion, gay marriage, immigration, slurs and a multitude of other non issues and of course out right lies.

A good example was the last Presidential campaign of 2012.  The republicans called President Obama all kinds of names, accused him of being a Muslim and a slew of other non factual statements, lied about his record and failed to address the real issues the people wanted to hear about.  They could not call on former President Bush's name nor his record to articulate what their party stood for because that would remind the people of those 8 terrible years.  Not one person of high standing in the Bush administration even spoke at their convention.  And they were not about to talk of the war in Iraq over WMD that never existed or the tragic results of 911 and their failure to pursue Bin Liden and bring him to justice.

On the other hand, President Obama did address the issues the people were interested in and had no fear of having former President Clinton speak at the convention and along the stump.  President Obama and the democratic party was able to compete and debate the issues.  It is hell when you do not have a positive record to run on and debate and you have to rely on personal attacks and lies.  It becomes worse when you have to practice an ideology that is unAmerican in nature and vow not to help your country and its people.

Yes, democratic administrations do have a better record of dealing with all the major issues and that goes back many, many years.  Republicans do know that and that is why they act like they do.  It is really easy to understand but journalists are more concerned in filling up time with republican talking points and are ignorant of the facts on many issues.  The republican M.O. is understandable to any one with an open mind that follows the facts.

This commentary written by John Lucia