Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Job Creation Continues Under The Obama Administration.

The economy created 192,000 jobs in March according to the latest Department of Labor report.  That brought job creation in positive territory for over four straight years and still counting.  The economy continues to require assistance to continue short and long term growth.  It also needs republicans to get over their petty and childish committment to destroy the Obama administration.  The failure of their party during the previous administration was the catalist for their desire and conservative ideology to obstruct.

President Obama started his 6th year in office in January with the unemployment rate lower than it was when he took office.  The unemployment rate when Bush 43 started his 6th year in office was up from when he took office and was up 3.6% when he left office.  President Obama inherited far more problems when he took office than President Bush did when he took office.  When one considers the republican's promise to obstruct, any fair minded person would have to admit President Obama has done a good job.

This writer's commentary concerning precedent titled, An Economic Turnaround:  Job Creation and Fiscal Stability, There Is A Precedent, dated 12./14/09 has come to pass and once again it is a democratic administration that is moving the economy, creating jobs, reducing the federal deficit, reducing federal spending and lowering the unemployment rate. 

History has confirmed it is democratic administrations that do a better job for the country and its people in almost every area of progress compared to republican administrations.  The republicans would love to take control of both houses of congress in November to make sure that the Obama administration ends in failure as the Bush administration did.  Their ideology has no redemptive value and as a result would like to see the future be like the past.

This commentary written by John Lucia.