Friday, September 29, 2017

Louisiana's Lt. Governor Billy Nungesser: The Mouth Roars Again

Billy Nungesser was the subject of a previous PolitiDose commentary during the BP rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico that resulted in the death of 11 rig workers and billions of dollars in damages to Louisiana's environment and property.  Nungesser who was President of Plaquemine parish at the time was the mouth who criticized President Obama's decision on the moratorium in the gulf until answers could be given in what took place.  And he opposed President Obama's every move.

Now we have a Times Picayune article dated 9/27 where the mouth said he will not attend the Saints game in London because some Saint players protested during the national anthem before their game with Carolina. the article also reported Nungesser said he would not be attending any more NFL games because of the protest.  Well, like Trump, Nungesser is about a year late as he and the trumpet man never made an issue out of Frisco's quarterback Colin Kaepernick protest when he took a knee during a game last year.  I wonder why he did not stop watching the NFL at that time?

That same Times Picayune carried another article by the same author who reported Louisiana's republican rep., Kenny Havard said Louisiana should pull Saints funding because of the Saint's players protest.  Nungesser during the interview said it was worth discussing whether Louisiana should offer so much support to the Saints given the recent protests.  Later he said he didn't have an opinion on whether the contracts should be reviewed by the legislators.

There are better reasons why the elected officials of Louisiana should have never given Tom Benson and the Saints the millions of dollars in corporate welfare in the first place.  And those reasons are more legit than a few Saints players taking a knee or sitting out the national anthem.  But leave it to politicians to try and cover their mistakes any way they can even though taking a knee was done on such a small scale prior to the trumpet man's SOB remark.

Nungesser also said this in the article about the protesters.  They are using this great opportunity they have to disgrace America.  They say they are protesting police brutality.  There are only a handful of police that have been convicted of doing something wrong.  Nungesser seems to be saying in this statement, since only a hand full of police have been convicted of doing something wrong, that does not justify players taking a knee.  Well if that is the case, only a hand full of players have taking a knee before the trumpet man's SOB remark so why blow things out of proportion.  Well, because that is what politicians do when they want attention.

Burning the American flag, taking a knee and other forms of protest will always be debated in the public and political arena because people on both sides have strong feelings and free speech defines America.  Hate groups carry Nazi and other symbols and flags that disgrace the American flag and all it stands for and is protected by freedom of speech.  Yet, they get a free pass from the trumpet man and the SOB remark is with held.  Taking a knee and other forms of protest will continue and America with continue to move on in the right direction because the great majority of Americans will always show respect to our institutions and all the good that it represents.  The American flag and our national anthem are one and the same and will also continue to be respected by the great majority of our citizens.

Yes, our country is still America the beautiful and has never lost its greatness.

Note:  PolitiDose carried past commentary long ago about the millions of corporate welfare given Mr. Benson and the Saints by the state politicians and how wrong that was since Mr. Benson was a multi-millionaire from the very beginning.  That give away of tax payers money was and still is a disgrace.  And there is no good excuse.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Trump and The Republican Senate Pull Their Latest Cassidy-Graham Health Care Scheme Bill

The republicans health care scheme died its third death when once again their party failed to obtain enough votes to pass.  But those who have heart should know the senate's leader Mitch McConnell said they will try again at a later date.  The trumpet man and his party are the dishonest ones when it comes to health care and their proposals never matched their rhetoric of how it was going to be much better than the ACA, insure more people, etc., etc., etc.  The CBO's report exposed and destroyed their lies.

Democratic senate leader Chuck Schumer said after the bill was pulled the democrats stand ready to work with the republicans to improve the ACA and make it better when the republicans take repeal and replace off the table.  Otherwise, they will continue to oppose the republicans health care scheme.  It has been the position of the democrats since day one.  The republicans rhetoric on the issue shames the trumpet man and his party's ability to govern.  Their foolish statement that with a republican President and republican controlled congress they could repeal and replace the ACA rather quickly was to appeal to their base even though they knew better.

This writer is waiting for a conservative opinion writer to ask the trumpet man when he was going to introduce his own health care plan.  After all, as President, he said he would do so before the end of March.  That was over 6 months ago.  To my knowledge, they have never asked the question.  I guess they think the question is too tough.  On the other hand, they probably know they will learn nothing from his answer.

After seven months of failure the trumpet man will now turn his attention to tax reform and visit Puerto Rico which he has caught criticism for his failure to visit after Hurricane Maria and its destruction to that island.  He already tried to change the conversation to the NFL.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Another Conservative Opinion Writer Has His Nose Bent Out Of Shape

Erick Erickson, the conservative republican opinion writer in the Times Picayune article dated 9/22 titled, "Kimmel has no moral authority" follows the ditto head ideology of his party on the health care scheme and ploy.  Erickson gets bent out of shape because Kimmel criticized Senator Bill Cassidy's health care bill that does not protect the very people Cassidy said it would.

Erickson then goes on to compare Kimmel's family health problems and wealth to his own and some how uses that to declare Kimmel has no moral authority.  Of course those that follow Trump and the republican party's rhetoric on health care, know the only thing those folks care about is reversing the success of President Obama's administration no matter who they hurt and their health care scheme hurts real people.

Kimmel actually has more moral authority than Erickson on the subject matter because Erickson goes along with the republican's scheme and ploy and even promotes it.  Seven and a half years of fraudulent health care rhetoric and all the republicans can come up with is a scheme where millions of Americans lose their health care coverage.

The Cassidy-Graham health care scheme is being acknowledged by several republicans in congress who are opposed to its passage.  Those opposed can not offer any thing better and still want to repeal and replace the ACA which is working.  That lack of having a sound plan is proof the republicans could care less about health care.  And controlling both houses of congress for the last two years and seven months and doing nothing is more proof. So sorry Erickson your time is up.

No matter how you cut it, the right thing to do is to improve on the ACA and make it better.  The answer has been there all along, just like the democrats have said all along, especially Hillary Clinton.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Monday, September 25, 2017

The Unstable Trumpet Man Continues To Taint The Presidency

After seven months in office President Trump is still the tainted President (this writer called the shot early on) who brought his corrupted moral business persona to the White House.  The latest sad example is the trumpet man's statement in Alabama that sports figures who protest are SOB's.  That is the type of example the trumpet man loves our children to be exposed to.

When your job approval rating is poor, you go to a state like Alabama that covers your base and make such a statement to gain attention.  It serves the trumpet man's ego and hopefully takes the people's mind off his failures.  But the malignancy in the White House continues to grow along with the unstable behavior of the trumpet man.  The divisive speech in Alabama shared the same divisive theme earlier in the week before the United Nations in New York.  Make no mistake, the trumpet man is no friend to the American flag.  Early in his administration his wife had to remind him to put his hand over his heart when the National Anthem was being played.

America the beautiful, that the President can not even vision has lived through and survived the protest of our nation's wars and flag for over 200 years and our people are still moral, sane and patriotic.  And during war and peace the nation still has those men and women who are proud to have worn the uniform of their country.  Let me ask this question.  If one protest against a war, does that mean he is also protesting against the flag?  Both are related because you go to war for your country and take the American flag with you.

If the answer is yes, does that mean protesters are SOB's like the trumpet man says?  And if you believe yes, then does that mean protesters who dodged the draft or used other excuses not to serve their country or the flag SOB's.  This writer does not think so and those who use that term to describe protesters, especially the President reveal their own lack of morals and respect for others and the flag.

Those who protest police brutality, real or alleged by kneeling during the national anthem follows a pattern seen many times before over a long period of time and the American flag still flies proudly.  The U.S. Constitution works and those who want to condemn protesters in public have the means to do so because of that same freedom of speech.  That is what freedom is all about.  When taken to the extreme it becomes divisive and unfortunately that is what some people are really all about.  The trumpet man used the issue to distract from the trouble he is in.

The only cure for the trumpet man's disrespect for the Presidency in using the kind of language he uses is impeachment.  It is a sad situation when the highest elected office in the land does not deserve respect because of his own disrespectful behavior towards others.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Another First For PolitiDose

The Cassidy-Graham health care bill is in the news and should be voted on next week by the U.S. Senate according to statements by the republican party.  Cassidy, who represents Louisiana in the U.S. Senate and Graham have long been opponents of the ACA and like their republican colleges have lied time and time again about the ACA and their own party's health care plans.  Both voted for the last republican health care plan in the Senate which failed.  Like the House plan that failed, it was not a health care plan at all.  It was a fraud and a ploy that the CBO report tore apart.

The Cassidy-Graham bill, like the previous House and Senate bills took place with out public input and both Cassidy and Graham said they were opposed to that but like the ditto heads in their party still support the bill.  Cassidy is no friend to the people of Louisiana and governor John B. Edwards is right in his opposition to their latest bill.  Cassidy also punted the Kimmel rule he said he supports to the states which is a cop out.  Conservative opinion writers in Louisiana have given Cassidy a pass on his health care positions because he is a doctor and actually supported his work in the republican health care plans.  But now, since the Cassidy-Graham bill is being exposed as a continuing republican fraud, some of those opinion writers are changing their tune.

Well, what else is new.  PolitiDose has pointed out Cassady and the republican scam and lies many times over in previous commentary from the very beginning.  It is really not hard to understand the republicans failure to govern and the lies they use to justify their actions.  And once again, as issues unfold, you read it here first in PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

The Trumpet Man and The Rocket Man Share Many Of The Same Traits

Both of them (President Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un) try and talk tough because they can not articulate in trying to communicate, they are both bombastic, confrontational, divisive, liars, unqualified for the office they hold, dishonest and ego driven to the point of self adulation.  And Tuesday, the trumpet man in his very first appearance and speech before the United Nations in New York was uninspiring.

Instead of representing the interest of the United States in a Presidential manner the trumpet man tried to lecture the U.N. members in a non productive speech, especially concerning North Korea and Iran.  He choose the wrong setting to degrade the Iran agreement and vowed to totally destroy North Korea if they threatened the U.S. or its allies.  That statement concerning North Korea was a change from what the trumpet man and his national security team has been saying for months.  Their position all along was the rocket man actually threatened the U.S but now the word IF has been added.  PolitiDose in previous commentary pointed out that the rocket man never threatened the U.S. and certainly never said they would totally destroy the U.S.  The rocket man did say North Korea's nuclear capabilities helped balance any threat from the U.S.  

Remarks by the trumpet man on the Iran agreement was very un-Presidential like so many other remarks he has made in the past.  Trying to link the agreement to other issues after the fact indicates the trumpet man lacks any policy to deal with those issues.  Thank goodness President Obama's administration had an effective policy to deal with the various problems and issues.

The words threat, threaten and threatening are being used by the trumpet man and those who want war with North Korea, like George W. Bush used the words in the run up to war in Iraq.  The rocket mans nuclear weapons are a threat just like China and Russian nuclear weapons are a threat, but none has threatened the U.S. with their use or vowed to totally destroy the United States.  There is a difference.  North Korea has kept the armistice that ended the Korean War in July 1953 and will not launch a preemptive war against any one for obvious reasons.  Their only means of supporting a war is financial help from China and Russia and those two countries have problems of their own and would not support any nuclear war that would likely spread.

France's President Emmanuel Macron who is friendly with President Trump took sharp exceptions to the trumpet man's speech concerning North Korea and Iran and pointed out the Iran agreement is solid, robust and verifiable and that renouncing it was a grave error.  Macron also spoke about an issue the trumpet man ignored, climate change, and said the planet will not negotiate with us.  On North Korea Macron said France rejects escalation and will not close any doors to dialogue.

The answer to the Korean problem is still a united Korea.  One country, one people, one leader and one government.  And one day the U.S. will have a leader with the wisdom and courage who understands the problem and stands up and leads in that direction.  This writer would not be surprised if some one else stands up in that regard before a U.S. President does.  And which ever way it happens, remember, you read it hear first in PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Monday, September 18, 2017

The President's Withdrawal From The Paris Climate Accord Backfires

When President Trump announced he was withdrawing the U.S. from the Paris accords he told America he would renegotiate the accord to get a better deal and would put something together to do so with other nations.  European leaders responded by saying there would be no renegotiation to the accord after all the work done between the parties over a long period of time

That left Trump alone against the world concerning climate change so now we hear from Trump's national security adviser H.R. McMaster who now says Trump left the door open to re-enter the Paris accords at some later time if there can be a better deal for the U.S.  Trump found out he could not bully those members party to the accord and did not have the character to make the announcement himself to the people he serves.

It is typical of Trump's bad decisions by trying to talk tough and then having to reverse course and eat crow.  He is also catching flack at home and abroad concerning his withdrawal because climate change is real.  Trump, the candidate was willing to say anything during the campaign and now has to leave the mess to his appointees to answer.  He finds he can not "tweet" himself out of trouble any more.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Trump's Eight Month Dally Could Cost America and Its People

Wednesday President Trump will be in office 8 months with no achievements on the economy which he said was his number one priority.  The man who said he took over a government that was in terrible shape actually lied about that and his priority shifted to health care republican style which wasted so much more time.

The economy and jobs have yet to be addressed my Trump or his majority party that will keep the economy moving and creating jobs.  The federal deficit has not been addressed nor has trade, except for Trump's bragging about redoing NAFTA to favor the U.S.  Time has been wasted talking about a WALL that is not a WALL any more but other forms of border control that has gone no where.  DACA has been kicked down the road for 6 months and so called tax reform will not happen until the end of the year it it happens at all.

In the mean time, there is no policy, only Trump's usual rants against those his ego feels threatened by.  Eight months in and still no political understanding or character are displayed by the President.  He dislikes political correctness because it would shame his lies and allow him to operate in a corrupt business mode.

The economy, jobs and all that goes with it needs attention to survive and keep operating at a level to keep the country moving forward.  That lacking for the past 8 months could bring on an economic slowdown and at the wrong time.  The President needs to act and start now to prevent any economic problems that can be avoided.  Too much time has already been wasted by this President and the investigation that is ongoing concerning Russia and the President's conflict of interest suits will continue to dictate how he spends his time.  His responsibility is to the country and its people first but so far he has shown he is incapable of following even that simple task.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Good Economic News for America's Middle Class and President Obama's Economic Policy

The U.S. Census Bureau reported median household income in America was $59,037 in 2016 which surpassed the previous record high of $58,655 in 1999.  The numbers are adjusted for inflation.  The Bureau said the increase in earnings were due to so many people finding full time jobs and or better paying jobs.  The poverty rate fell to 12.7%, the lowest since 2007.  Also, Americans with out health insurance dropped last year to 8.8% largely due to the ACA.  

The good economic news reflects the results of the sound economic policies of the Obama administration that left behind the carnage of the great republican recession of the George W. Bush administration.  It was a slow recovery due to the severity of the recession but was a steady recovery gaining back all 7 million jobs lost and creating new jobs now in its 83rd. straight month.  And it was the democratic controlled congress who passed Obama's economic plan and stimulus early in his first term which the republicans opposed.

And once again PolitiDose was at the forefront early on in predicting the democratic administration of President Obama would lift the country back into economic good times because of precedent.  And the Obama administration did it despite allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire and the republican promise not to lift a finger to help Obama soon after he was elected President.  The administration also left office with a smaller deficit than Obama took office, some thing no republican President has accomplished in the last 50 years.

It is no surprise to this writer the previous record median family income as noted herein took place in the year 1999, because that was the democratic administration of President Bill Clinton who presided over the greatest economy and job creation of the 20th century.  To make it easy to understand, the administrations of Bill Clinton and Barrack Obama created more jobs in the 16 years they served than all the republican administrations since 1929.

Yes, my fellow Americans, President Obama bequeathed to President Trump an expanding economy that is creating jobs with increasing income and a much smaller deficit, a safer and strong America and a sane approach to governing.  And one day, history will record what Trump will leave to his successor.  Until then, democrats are still the best at governing in all phases.  

Note:  For Job creation, see my commentary dated 9/5/2010 titled, Job Creation for Presidential Terms, 1929-2008.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Tim Morris Joins Donald Trump In The Blame Game As Usual

This time with his opinion column in the Times Picayune dated 9/8 titled, "Obama's Overreach Created Immigration Showdown."  Morris does not like the reaction by the public concerning Trump's actions on DACA so he blames Obama.  It is typical of conservative opinion writers and republicans to blame any thing negative that happens on the republican watch on the democrats.  Trump punted the issue to congress because he has failed to send any immigration plan to congress like he talked about in the campaign.

The fact of the matter is the democratic controlled Senate passed immigration reform during Obama's administration with 7 republican Senators voting with the democratic majority.  That sent the bill to the republican controlled House and their leader at the time John Boehner never took up the bill, not even for debate and he let it die.  Obama asked congress at the time to send him an immigration bill and the democrats did their part.  The republicans in the House failed to do their part and as a result President Obama used his executive powers to create DACA.

Morris says in his column that congress is the place for immigration reform.  He is right on that and then ignored the fact that the republicans controlled both houses of congress during Obama' last two years in office and still failed to take up the issue even though Obama wanted them to do so.  If any one created immigration showdown it is because of the republicans in congress and their failure to act.

Trump boxed his own self in during the campaign when he said if elected he would deport 12 million immigrants.  During the republicans Presidential debates his opponents laughed at that silly statement and now as President can not keep his promise so he has punted immigration to congress.  But Morris, like a good ditto head, will continue to blame democrats for Trumps and the republicans failures on immigration reform.

Note:  The immigration bill passed by the Senate provided increased funds for border security and controls and was a good bill.  All Trump and the republican controlled congress has to do is re-introduce the democratic immigration bill and debate the issue with changes if necessary.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Smackdown: Vikings 29 -- Saints 19 and bountty gate continues to rule

The Saints started off the regular season again with a loss.  It was the fourth straight season of doing so and the fall out from bounty gate continues.  The Vikings looked like a team who wanted to win, while the Saints looked like the same old Saints of the last several years.

Brees and the offense had a problem getting the football in the end zone when they reached the red zone and had to settle for four field goals, until late in the game when they scored their only touchdown.  Bradford, the Vikings quarterback played at a higher level than Brees and kept his offense moving.

The Saints defense that many bragged about during the preseason did not live up to their expectations and gave up a lot of big plays and lots of yardage.  This writer previously raised the caution flag concerning Saints defensive co-ordinator Dennis Allen who does not have a past record of being a successful defense co-ordinator.  And Sean Payton does not have a record of hiring successful defensive co-ordinators.  One game does not make a season but playing poorly too often has become a Saint habit.

The bounty gate fiasco is still playing a negative role on the Saint's team both with the players and coaching staff.  The Saints ownership, general manager and head coach have offered nothing new to the teams downward spiral but all three continue to take home huge pay checks.  So does Brees even though the Saints have 4 losing seasons in their last five. Some things never change until its too late.

And the New Orleans sports writers offer nothing new in their evaluation of the team.  They still do not know the difference between a preseason game and a regular season game.  What a shame.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, September 10, 2017

The Democrats Lead and President Trump and The Republicans in Congress Follow

President Trump was talking about shutting down the government if congress did not pass a funding bill that included money for Trump's WALL and tying other revenue and expenses to the overall bill that had to be passed by September 30, the end of the governments fiscal year to avoid a shutdown.  The republicans in congress said there would be no government shutdown but some demanded attachments to the funding bill which was a non starter for the democrats who have always supported a stand alone bill to keep the government running.

The republicans shut the government down during the Obama administration for a short time because they wanted to tie the repeal and replacement of the ACA to the funding bill.  The democrats in congress broke that with a clean CR and the shutdown ended.  This time around, the President and the congress are controlled by the republican party and the party still wanted attachments to the bill.  The democrats wanted a clean bill to deal with the funding to keep the government opened and proposed a clean spending bill and increase in the debt ceiling until December 8.  That would give congress more time to address the issue with out shutting the government down.  Trump accepted the proposal and the congress voted to approve.

But the republican controlled U.S. House needed the democratic vote for passage as 90 republicans voted no.  The republicans wanted an extension beyond December 8, and the democrats objected.  What Trump and the republicans should do between now and December 8 is come up with a clean funding bill with the democrats to fund the government thru the next fiscal year that will end on September 30, 2018.  DACA, immigration reform and other issues should be handled separately to avoid future fiscal cliffs at the last moment.

Democrats have a better record at governing and accomplishing things and have put Trump and the republicans on notice they will fight for stand alone issues such as DACA, immigration reform and tax reform and not tie those issues to other legislation that can not pass or be so diluted will accomplishment nothing.

Here we are 22 days from September 30 and Trump and the republican controlled congress could not even agree on a stand alone funding bill and increase in the debt ceiling to keep the government open and they could not come to terms with their own selves and party and inform the people of their decision.  It took the democratic leadership of Senator Chuck Schumer and Representative Nancy Pelosi to make the case.

Now we will see the second time around, what actions Trump and the republicans take between now and December 8.  Will they act timely and get the job done, or will they run the string out to the last minute and enact legislation that does not address the issues.  Do they dare tell the American people how they will proceed?

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, September 7, 2017

President Donald Trump: Unable To Lead By Example

The true character of a President is revealed when he leads by example.  Un-fortunately, President Trump does not display that Presidential character even though he has been in the White House almost eight months.  The signature issues he campaigned on and continues to talk about as President lack leadership by example and he is still playing the blame game.

Trump has failed to lead by example on the issue of Mexico paying for his border wall.  He has had 18 months to inform congress and the people how Mexico will pay for the wall and instead threatened to shut down the government if congress did not fund the wall.  Ditto on the issue of repealing and replacing the ACA.  Trump said he had a health care plan to do so and would introduce his plan then never did so.  As a result he placed blame on the republican party and its leadership.  And to top it off, the news media never asked Trump about his plan, especially the conservative news media.

Ditto on the issue of tax reform.  When a President refuses to make his tax returns public like past Presidents, he has no credibility on tax reform because he has something to hide and shows no leadership by example.  Ditto on the issue of immigration concerning DACA.  He said he would end DACA and then passed it off to his Attorney General and now wants congress to deal with it in six months.  But the  fact is Trump and the republicans in congress have showed no example how they would do immigration reform and in fact are actually against it.

Ditto on the issue of Made in America and Buy American which Trump is saying is taking place now.  But Trump and his family business still operate manufacturing plants in China, Mexico and other foreign countries and can not lead by example on the issue until he moves those factories to the U.S.

Ditto no the issue of Past Presidents separating themselves from their financial interest so there is no question of conflict of interest.  Trump has failed to lead by example big time and actually makes a mockery of the issue along with his family.  There are several suits pending against Trump on the matter.  

These are not the only issues but the ones Trump has pushed since being elected.  The TV star who tried to sell his leadership is a piece of fake news and fiction and just one other reason why he has few accomplishments and his latest job approval rating is at 34%.  Yes, America has a President incapable of leading by example.

NOTE:  Trump has been on the road this week touting tax reform, but the news media noted, the President gave no details of his plan to be consumed by the public.  Again, Trump has failed to lead by example on an issue important to all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Job Creation and The Unemployment Rate For The Month of August

The U.S. Labor Department reported the economy created 156,000 jobs in August and the unemployment rate came in at 4.4%, up from the 4.3% in July.  It was the 83rd straight month of positive job growth for the economy.  The Department also reported job growth for June and July was revised down by 41,000 jobs.  Most economist were expecting job creation to be in the 180,000 range for August.

Hourly wage growth was up 2.5% on average the past 12 months.  Usually when unemployment is in the 4% range the average wage growth is between 3.5 and 4% the Department reported.  Trump called the Labor Department's job creation numbers during the Obama administration fake and now brags about the job creation numbers since he took office.  He said the same thing about the unemployment rate.

September 30 will actually end President Obama's last fiscal year and the federal governments 2016-2017 fiscal year.  And October 1 will begin Trumps very first fiscal year and after the republican controlled congress passes Trumps first fiscal year budget when they return to work this week, the American people will see how the future plays out economically and politically.

Because of Trump's behavior the past seven months as President and the failed economic record of previous republican administrations, this writer is not optimistic.  But hope is eternal.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

The Part of The Joel Osteen Story That Is Missing

Megachurch pastor Joel Osteen (that is how Times Picayune columnist Tim Morris described him in his article of Sept.3) has been catching flack from the social media and others who accused him of not opening his church to the victims of Hurricane Harvey in Houston, Texas.   Joel's church was reported taken in victims of the storm during the middle of last week and were taken in donated supplies also.

Morris reports that televangelist Osteen is worth $50 million, owns a $10.5 million Houston home with six bedrooms, six baths, three elevators, five fireplaces, a guest house and a pool house.  That is a long way from what Jesus told his followers when he said "give up your possessions and follow me."  Of course, wealthy televangelist is nothing new, it has been a part of the God and Jesus culture for a long time and now also involves itself in politics which some politicians love, especially conservative republicans.

Because of the social medias role concerning their reporting on the Osteen matter, Morris ends his article with this sentence.  THE INTERNET COULD USE LESS SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS AND MORE HUMILITY.  PolitiDose believes that should apply also to opinion writers who during the 2016 Presidential campaign regularly reported Trump's lies and fake news he tweeted over the internet and others use of social media to spread their hate.

But the real story that is missing is the oldest story of them all.  That is how Jesus when on earth, ran the money changers out of the Temple.  This writer believes that if Jesus walked the earth today, he would run the televangelist money makers out of their studios and arenas and would expose their lavish possessions.  

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

The Department Of Justice Confirms That President Trump Is A Liar

In response to a suit filed by an independent group to obtain the information claimed by Donald Trump that President Obama tapped his phones at Trump Tower during the 2016 Presidential campaign, the Department of Justice told the court there was no record or evidence that showed the FBI or any other government agency was ordered to tap Trump's phone by President Obama.  That filing by the Department with the court directly refutes Trump's big lie in his tweet of March 4, 2017 when he accused President Obama of ordering a tap on his phones in Trump Tower during the campaign.

Trump's lies are well known and represents how he lives, runs his business world and acts as President of the United States.  It confirms his lack of morals in his daily dealings and his disregard for the democratic process that past Presidents understood and are the foundation for America's success and unity.  Trump's ongoing lies also confirm that President Obama and Hillary Clinton's leadership stands tall in comparison to Trump.  In fact, its not even close.

Lies are corrosive and divisive, and when the President of the United States uses lies as policy and personal attacks against people he wants to harm, it indicates the country has a sick leader.  And impeachment is the only cure for the sickness in the White House.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio