Monday, September 18, 2017

Trump's Eight Month Dally Could Cost America and Its People

Wednesday President Trump will be in office 8 months with no achievements on the economy which he said was his number one priority.  The man who said he took over a government that was in terrible shape actually lied about that and his priority shifted to health care republican style which wasted so much more time.

The economy and jobs have yet to be addressed my Trump or his majority party that will keep the economy moving and creating jobs.  The federal deficit has not been addressed nor has trade, except for Trump's bragging about redoing NAFTA to favor the U.S.  Time has been wasted talking about a WALL that is not a WALL any more but other forms of border control that has gone no where.  DACA has been kicked down the road for 6 months and so called tax reform will not happen until the end of the year it it happens at all.

In the mean time, there is no policy, only Trump's usual rants against those his ego feels threatened by.  Eight months in and still no political understanding or character are displayed by the President.  He dislikes political correctness because it would shame his lies and allow him to operate in a corrupt business mode.

The economy, jobs and all that goes with it needs attention to survive and keep operating at a level to keep the country moving forward.  That lacking for the past 8 months could bring on an economic slowdown and at the wrong time.  The President needs to act and start now to prevent any economic problems that can be avoided.  Too much time has already been wasted by this President and the investigation that is ongoing concerning Russia and the President's conflict of interest suits will continue to dictate how he spends his time.  His responsibility is to the country and its people first but so far he has shown he is incapable of following even that simple task.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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