Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Affordable Care Act Has Reached Its Enrollment Goal.

President Obama and the news media announced that 7.1 million people have enrolled in the
ACA and there will be more to come because of the President's extension for those who have applications in the pipe line.

The positive approach to the ACA by President Obama over came the negative noise machine by republicans in congress, the conservative news media and the unAmerican Fox News Network.  Those negative voices showed they do not have the character to debate the real issues concerning health care, something this writer has written about many times over here in PolitiDose.  They took the low road and used scare tactics, spoke about death panels that don't exist and flat out said over and over that Obamacare was dead.  They also attenpted to plant the seed that the initial computer problems concerning sign up meant the ACA would not work.

President Obama showed his courage when early on he used his executive powers to make changes such as delaying the sign up time for business, both small and large.  By doing so he took the politics out of the issue and left the republicans steaming.  The best course to pursue between now and the next enrollment period in this writers opinion would be to let matters play out and see how health services are administered to those newly insured people and when the need arises and what type of problems pops up, if any at all.  They can then be addressed.

The worst thing that could happen is for republicans and democrats to rush to judgement and try to make changes to the ACA before the November elections for political purposes.  President Obama can put a stop to that with his veto pen if it occurs.  The President has demonstrated his willingness to change what is not working but has to keep both republicans and democrats under control so that the public's need is served over political rhetoric.

The President should continue to use his executive powers if necessary concerning the subject matter.  There is a reason 7.1 million people have enrolled in the ACA and in due time the positive effects will out weigh the negative voices and the country and its people will be better off.

This commentary written by John Lucia