Monday, November 13, 2023

Columnist Rich Lowry Remains Blind Concerning The federal Budget Deficits and Debt.

 Lowry's commentary published in the New Orleans Advocate of 11/8/23 titled, "Biden blind to looming deficit risk" demonstrates his ignorance about the federal budget deficits as he joins Trump, the GOP and their love for mis-information and lies.  Confessed conservatives like Lowry and his pundits are comfortable with their feelings of being inadequate and their inability to compete with the truth so they stop being real men of character and courage.  Instead they live the life of mis-information and untruths.

The first sentence of his commentary started out with a lie that Biden's last year deficit was $2 trillion.  Fact:  The U.S. Treasury reported that last fiscal year which ended 9/30/23 the deficit came in at $1.69 trillion.  Lowry's second lie was when he said the deficit doubled to $2 trillion.  Fact:  The deficit for the previous fiscal year ending 9/30/22 came in at $1.38 trillion, no where near doubling as Lowry reported.

Lowry's next lie said the national debt increased about $7.8 trillion during Trump's administration.  Fact:  the national debt increased $8.2 trillion during Trump's 4 fiscal years.  It was $28.4 trillion at the end of his last fiscal year and $20.2 trillion at the beginning of his first fiscal year.  That $8.2 trillion increase in the national debt was the largest increase of any President's 4 fiscal years.

The federal  deficit at the end of Trump's third fiscal year was a whopping $3.1 trillion, the largest yearly increase in the federal deficit of any President.  The federal deficit at the end of Trump's last fiscal year came in at $2.7 trillion, the second largest single year deficit of any President.  So yes, President Biden's administration in his first two fiscal years decreased the federal budget deficits from what it was on Trump and the GOP's watch.  And to top it off, another GOP President George W Bush gave the country it's very first ever single year trillion dollar deficit when it came in at $1.4 trillion at the end of his final fiscal year.  

Lowry could not bring himself to talk about Trump's record debt and deficits because he and his ditto  heads feel so inadequate they cannot bring themselves together and report the facts.  They are truly a sad, sad bunch.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio 

Note:  All above numbers provided by this writer taken from U.S. Treasury and CBC historical records.