Tuesday, June 30, 2020

The U.S. Supreme Court Over Turns Louisiana's Abortion Law.

Voting 5-4, the U.S. Supreme Court smacked down Louisiana's back door abortion law that would require doctors who perform abortions to have the right to admit patients to a nearby hospital.  The Louisiana law followed closely a similar Texas abortion law that was struck down by the high court in a 2016 decision.  Chief Justice John Roberts said precedent in the outcome of the Texas case required the same outcome in the Louisiana case.

Louisiana's republicans who supported the law were quick to criticize the vote.  Louisiana's Attorney General, Jeff Landry who defended the law to the Supreme Court and other republicans have used the law as back door approach to abortion by stating that the law is designed to ensure the health of women getting abortions.  But the court in both the Louisiana and Texas case pointed out there was no evidence to support the position and in fact the law placed an undue burden on women seeking an abortion in violation of the 1992 Supreme Court's landmark decision in Planned Parenthood vs. Casey.

Bryn Stole, staff writer for the New Orleans Advocate wrote a long commentary concerning the courts decision in a article dated June 30 and wrote about the votes of the so called conservatives and liberal judges on the decision and noted conservative Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts broke with his conservative majority on the court and voted to strike down the Louisiana law.  But Stole failed to mention that it was a majority appointed republican conservative Supreme Court that decided Roe vs Wade in a 7-2 vote that legalized abortion.  And 6 or those 7 votes were cast by republican appointed justices.  So it should  be no surprise that John Roberts voted to strike down Louisiana's law.  Trump, the republican party and Mitch McConnell out smarted themselves into believing they could dominate a Supreme Court nominee's thinking.  They made themselves to believe they could make the Court a political body.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, June 27, 2020

America The Beautiful At A Time Of Great Need

For the past three years, five months and 27 days, America the Beautiful has witnessed not only a profound failure of Presidential leadership in every area of governing, but a complete breakdown and corruption of the rule of law and the country's institutions that are at the heart of democracy, civil order and the moral fabric of America and the situation is becoming worse and at the same time as the coronavirus pandemic continues to spread across the United States.

The pandemic, now in its fourth month and a national and international problem, America the Beautiful does not have a President willing to lead the national effort to coordinate a response and bring the states together to act in a manner consistent with the recommendations of health officials who are the professionals on the matter.  In fact America the Beautiful has a President who has flaunted the health experts advise and even urged his supporters to go and hang out together in large groups with out protection.  His campaign rally in Tulsa and Phoenix with attendees sitting close together were opposed by the CDC but Trump simply disregarded their advise and cared nothing about the people's safety at the rally.  And as every one knows, Trump refuses to wear a mask in public which is also contrary to the CDC's advise.

So now after urging states to open up commerce and basically telling people to go out and mingle, over 20 states have a surge in new virus cases.  And two states, Texas and Florida had to pause their reopening plans.  The lack of Presidential leadership and willingness to flaunt health guidelines from the experts represents one continual betrayal of America the Beautiful and its people.  The President's comments about slowing down the testing is so extreme and un-Presidential, leaves no doubt about this President's disfunction and mental unfitness to serve.  Never before in this writers lifetime has America the Beautiful and its moral values been so scarred by a President so out of control.  And with the Presidential election only five months off, it should be a reminder that in the 2016 Presidential election, 54% of the voters who voted, voted for some one other than Trump.  That 54% knew what a Trump Presidency would look like and were not willing to see America the Beautiful be betrayed.

The November elections are in this writers opinion the most important election in our life time.  America the Beautiful requires new leadership from a President who wants to serve and lead the nation and its people out of the chaos and corruption of an autocrat and administration whose sole purpose has been to tear down America the Beautiful and what it stands for.  A new day that begins with a new President and leadership must take place to ensure that America continues to stand as America the Beautiful.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Friday, June 19, 2020

The U.S. Supreme Court Blocks President Trump's Order To End DACA And It Is Another First For PolitiDose

The U.S. Supreme Court voted 5-4 to block Trump's order to end DACA, the Obama  executive order known as the "Dreamer's Act" that allowed undocumented immigrants, known as Dreamers to live and work in the United States without fear of deportation.  It is estimated the act applied to approximately 600,000 "Dreamers", many who were born in the United States.  Chief Justice John Roberts who voted with the majority and wrote the majority opinion said,  "the administration was arbitrary and capricious in ending the program."  He also said the test of the matter was only "whether the agency complied with the procedural requirement that it provide reasonable explanation for its action and it failed to do so."

Trump of course reacted to the decision with his usual personal attacks against the court and tried to make it political for his campaign to divide the country before the November elections.  Past commentary in PolitiDose has proven to be on target about Trump, his administration and republicans in congress failure to take up immigration reform legislation when they controlled both houses of congress during Trump's first two years in office and their control of the Senate for the past 42 months under Trump.  They also failed to take up immigration reform legislation when they controlled both houses of congress during the Obama and George W. Bush administration.  In other words, the republican party has no record of immigration reform legislation even when they control the dialog.  The fact is they do not want any immigration reform legislation because immigrants tend to vote democratic, so they demagogue the issue with false statements and lies.

And to top it off, every republican Presidential candidate in 2016 promised in their debates to introduce immigration reform legislation and that included Trump.  But Trump and his party never did after the election.  Instead, Trump and his party played games with executive orders or rules concerning DACA and other immigration issues and the courts had to step in  over and over again to settle the issue that should be settled by congress with legislation.  Judge Roberts was understanding in his decision and even stated that the Trump administration could try again.  Meaning they had to get their act together and comply with the procedural requirements.

Trump also made the following un-American statement about the court's decision:  THOSE HORRIBLY AND POLITICALLY CHARGED DECISIONS COMING OUT OF THE SUPREME COURT ARE SHOTGUN BLASTS TO THE FACE OF PEOPLE THAT ARE PROUD TO CALL THEMSELVES REPUBLICANS OR CONSERVATIVES.  That is how Trump  and the republicans think of themselves.  They have no idea how to think American.

Well Mr. President, this writer is an AMERICAN.  First, last and always, there is no in between.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio  

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Another Big First For "PolitiDose" As The U.S. Supreme Court Slaps Down Trump and His Party's Attempt To Discriminate.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Monday that the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964, known as Title VII, protects the rights of the LGBT community from job discrimination because of sexual orientation or gender identity.  The decision offers legal protection from employers who discriminate.  The court ruled 6-3 with two conservative judges appointed by President George W. Bush and Donald Trump, chief Justice John Roberts and Neil Gorsuch voted with the four justices appointed by democratic administrations to make up the majority vote.

Louisiana's governor John B. Edwards said the courts decision confirms what we have long known:  prejudice and discrimination on any basis, including sexual or gender identity are not Louisiana values and should never be tolerated.  The Louisiana legislature controlled by the republican party had objected to Edward's executive order that companies doing business in Louisiana not discriminate against such workers.  And once again the republican party in Louisiana, especially Attorney General Jeff Landry has to be schooled by the Supreme Court concerning the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and what it means.

Trump, Mitch McConnell and the republican party out smarted themselves when they supported, appointed and voted for Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme  Court.  They think in terms of their ideology and their Court appointees are one and the same.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.  Republicans in congress live the lie of being conservative but are extremist.  Conservative judges are not politicians and do not think conservative on all subject matters.  Republicans feel they are so elite, they can have their way with any one they appoint to office.  But the party of Gingrich and Trump are so corrupt they have no respect for the court, its concept or the people.

This writer in a PolitiDose commentary dated 10/7/18 titled, "The U.S. Senate Confirms Brett Cavanaugh For The U.S. Supreme Court" said there has to be at least one true conservative Supreme Court Judge that will not allow the court to be swayed with extreme views about the constitution and in effect allow the Trump administration to write the history of their time on the bench.  And in this landmark decision it was two of the conservative Judges that voted with the ruling.  The ruling will also affect Trump's order just a few days ago that would allow insurance workers and insurance companies to refuse health insurance to LGBT workers.  Trump wanted to change what the word sex covered in the Civil Rights act which was voted by congress and can only be changed by congress.

Trump and his party were given an additional blow this week when the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear Trump and his ditto head Attorney General's appeal to overturn California's sanctuary city that was upheld by the U.S. Court of Appeals.  In that case the courts long ago ruled that states had no obligation to enforce federal laws.  But Trump and his party love frivolous litigation.  So now attention is turned to several more important cases before the Court concerning Trump and his party's extremism.  Those rulings will be very important and will shed more light on how so called conservative Judges will rule.

As for as the workplace decision by the Court, it was long over due.  No person should have to suffer discrimination for obvious reasons.  The people deserve better.  It is a common sense thing that escapes Trump, his party and religious leaders who are hypocrites on the subject matter.  So stay tuned to PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, June 14, 2020

"Defund The Police?" This Writer Thinks Not

Protesters and others who want to "Defund the Police" have expressed in different ways what those words mean, but are not really clear what they are looking for.  If it is to abolish the Police Departments, that is a non-starter and dangerous approach to the problem at hand in this writers judgement and that part of the conversation has to end.  Tragedy seem to always prompt thoughts and actions between the extreme and the status quo.

What is necessary are positive changes that relates to the problem and a commitment to see it through.  That can take place with leadership and without "Defunding the Police."  And the way to begin is conversation between local, city, state and the federal government that work in conjunction with each other.  The federal government possesses the tools and technology to assist, but it is local, city and state leadership's responsibility to execute the changes that are necessary and one major change that it needs is transparency that ends branding those police officers "traitors" who have the character and courage to stand up and correct wrong doing when they see it taking place.  The culture of silence simply promotes the status quo.

The problems being played out today are not new.  It is a continuation of past problems that local, city and state governments have failed to act on in a responsible, timely and safe manner.  Therefore, the problem still exist.  President Kennedy once said, our problems are man made, therefore they can be solved by man.  He was right of course, but we have yet to learn from the past.

Will now be the time at this moment in history when men come together to solve a problem created by man?  Time is running out and our leaders need to step up to the plate and lead.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Luke Johnson Lights The Torch of Understanding Why Some Take A Knee During The National Anthem

It took a U.S.  Marine, New Orleans Advocate sports writer Luke Johnson in a commentary dated 6/4 in response to Drew Brees initial comment on the subject matter to put the issue in proper context.  Johnson, an Iraq veteran in a common sense opinion covered all the bases that were lacking in previous debates and comments on an issue that divided the country and its people.

Since Johnson's article, Brees, his wife, the NFL, various other peoples and organizations have come out with statements that indicate a change in attitude of what the protest are all about and that they are not about protesting the flag or the national anthem.  The turn around has been swift because a much broader debate has taken place thanks to Mr. Johnson's articulation of the issue.

In a previous PolitiDose commentary, this writer recommended that Johnson's article should be read by all.  It is impossible to know how many did read his article but we know one man's thoughts can make a difference, especially a veteran like Johnson who obviously understands and has experienced all sides of the issue.  One thing is for sure, the issue will not be solved by politicians who divide us.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Its Official: The U.S. Economy Has Been In Recession Since February 2020. And Another Big First For PolitiDose

So says the National Bureau of Economic Research, the official economic arbiter, and that the recession began in February when the monthly peak of economic activity occurred.  The recession ended the 10 straight years of economic expansion that began in 2009 after the economic recession of 2008.

It was all predictable.  The only unknown was the date it would take place and PolitiDose was there in past commentary to tell the story and why.  So now the Trump administration joins every past republican administration since President Teddy Roosevelt where the economy went into recession on their watch.  The republican President's lack of a true economic policy in favor of trickle down economics and ideology has led to the precedent of republican administration recessions.  It is not just a coincident.

Nor is it a coincidence that the tax cuts by Reagan, Bush 43 and Trump did not accomplish what they said it would do for the economy.  Nor is it a coincidence that the three greatest bank failures took place on the republican watch of Hoover, Reagan and Bush 43 that cost the tax payers billions to  bail them out.  Nor is it a coincidence that no republican administration has balanced the federal budget in the last 60 years or left office with a smaller deficit than when they took office in the last 60 years.  And yes my fellow  Americans, its no coincidence that the largest percentage increase in the national debt took place on the republican watch of Reagan and Bush 43 in the last 70 years.

Republican administrations have been a disaster for the U.S. economy and its fiscal health.  Their ideology, sold as conservatism, is as phony as Trump's lies and fake news.  And now the recession merry-go-around of republican administrations begin again, only this time on Trump's watch.  But this time Trump has to deal with a nation wide pandemic which he wants the states to deal with.  When Trump's term in office ends on January 20, 2021 there will be a record behind his name which will define his four years in office.  Precedent tells us it will not be a good one.

This commentary  written  by Joe  Lorio

Coming soon:  The Stock Market

Sunday, June 7, 2020

The Unemployment and Job Numbers For May 2020. But There Is A "Catch"

The U.S. Labor Department reported that 2.5 million jobs returned to the economy in May and that the unemployment rate came in at 13.3% from April's 14,7%.  The news was swiftly hailed by Trump, Pence, the Wall  Street Journal, CNBC Financial and the Fox News Network as a great accomplishment and said the numbers were a surprise because earlier projections were not so rosy.  But the numbers did not add up to this writer, especially the unemployment number if the economy lost 38 million jobs due to the pandemic as earlier reported by the Department.

Those who were glowing about the report are all Trump supporters who see Trump struggling during this re-election season.  And then came the "catch" the next day when the full report was reviewed.  The last paragraph acknowledged the Labor Department made errors in counting the unemployed for April and May saying the real unemployment is worse than the numbers indicated.  That April's unemployment, if corrected, the rate would have been 19.5% instead of the reported 14.7%.  And May's number would have been corrected to 16.3% from the reported 13.3%.  Those two months adjustments would move the unemployment rate a total of 7.8% higher than first reported.  The other problem with the May report is it covered only the first 10 days of May.  The bottom line is the unemployment rate is the highest since the great depression.

The miscount also  raises the possible question in this writers mind about the Trump administration being involved in wanting to see a lower unemployment count to help with his re-election.  We know that two weeks ago his administration announced they would no longer give a update on the future of the economy that has been a tradition for years to keep the American people informed.  And we know from the Commerce Department report that the first quarter GDP came in at a negative 5% annual rate which is expected to more than double in the second quarter.

With Trump's approval rating trending downward, the people can expect the balance of this election year to be filled with Trump's fake news and personal attacks.

Friday, June 5, 2020

What You Will Not Hear From The News Media, PolitiDose Will Articulate In Its Commentary. Part IV

There are many parts to the U.S. Economy including UNEMPLOYMENT because it is an indication of the job market for the average American.  Its an important part of the economy because consumer spending represents 70% of the economy.  With the Presidential election six months off it is important in our two party system to know which party has the best track record for handling unemployment.  So the following information is furnished so  voters can learn the facts.

Since 1948, seventy one years and four months ago, seven republican Presidents have held the White House for a period of 39 years and four months.  Six democratic Presidents have held the White House for a period of 32 years.  During the 39 years and four months rule by those seven republican Presidents only the Reagan administration left office with a lower unemployment rate than when he took office.  The unemployment rate when Reagan took office in January of 1981 was 7.5% and when he left office in January of 1989 it was 5.4%.  So unemployment fell 2.1% on Reagan's watch.  All of the other republican Presidents left office with a higher unemployment rate than when they took office. (except Trump who has not finished his first term yet)

The unemployment rate when Eisenhower took office in January 1953 was 2.9% and when he left office in January 1961 it was 6.6%, an increase of 3.7% in unemployment.  When Nixon-Ford took office the unemployment rate was 3.4% and when they left office it was 7.5%, an increase of 4.1%.  When Bush 41 took office the unemployment rate was 5.4% and when he left office it was 7.3%, an increase of 1.9%.  When Bush 43 took office the unemployment rate was 4.2% and when he left office it was 7.8%, an increase of 3.6%.  When Trump took office in January 2017 the unemployment rate was 4.7% and at the end of May 2020 it was 13.3%, an increase of 8.6%.  Although Trumps term is not complete yet, the numbers indicate Trump will  follow in  the footsteps of the other five republican Presidents where unemployment increased on their watch.

During the 32 year rule by the six democratic Presidents, the unemployment rate decreased on five of those Presidents watch and stayed the same on President Carter's watch.  When Truman took office in January of 1949 the unemployment rate was 4.3%  when he left office in January 1953 it was 2.9%, a 1.4%  reduction in the unemployment rate.  For the Kennedy-Johnson administration it was 6.6% upon taking office and 3.4% when Johnson left office, a reduction of 3.2% in the unemployment rate.  When President Carter took office the unemployment rate was 7.5% and when he left office it was 7.5%, the same as when he took office.  When Clinton took office the unemployment rate was 7.3% and when he left office it was 4.2%, a reduction of 3.1% in unemployment.  When Obama took office the unemployment rate was 7.8% and when he left office it was 4.7%, a reduction of 3.1% in the unemployment rate.

If any one thinks it is just a coincidence that republican administrations did so poorly over a 71 year period think again, because the same is repeated with job creation, balancing the federal budget, deficit spending, bank failures, economic recessions and the list goes on and on.  And PolitiDose has been reporting all this for several years and that democratic administrations are so much better at governing.  So yes my fellow American, it does matter and make a difference that one party in our two party system is best at governing.  And that one party is the democratic party.  Precedent leaves no doubt.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Note 1:      The unemployment numbers used here in taken from the Historical Records published by
                  the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Note 2:      Unemployment numbers were taken from January when the President takes office to
                  January when he leaves office.

Note 3:      Truman's numbers taken from when he was first elected, January 1949 to January 1953.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

New Orleans Sports Writer Luke Johnson Had The Right Answer To Drew Brees Untimely Comment.

Saint quarterback Drew Brees put his foot in his own mouth once again, this time with an untimely and unnecessary statement about taking a knee during the playing or singing of the national anthem and the American flag.  Sports writer Johnson penned a reply in the New Orleans Advocate of June 4, titled, Thoughts from a Marine who fought for all of us.  Johnson, a veteran of the Iraq war, explained the meaning of the flag, protest and what it truly represents in a manner that the great majority of the American people can understand.  He also asked Brees politely to listen to other people's position on the subject.  

Brees blew it by making a statement about an issue that the NFL and the Saints already addressed.  There is enough division in the country now because of politics without professional sports people adding to the problem with unnecessary statements.  This writer recommends that Johnson's comments be read by all to obtain the proper content of what he said and explained.  As one Marine veteran to another, I can appreciate where Mr. Johnson is coming from.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio