Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Another Big First For "PolitiDose" As The U.S. Supreme Court Slaps Down Trump and His Party's Attempt To Discriminate.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Monday that the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964, known as Title VII, protects the rights of the LGBT community from job discrimination because of sexual orientation or gender identity.  The decision offers legal protection from employers who discriminate.  The court ruled 6-3 with two conservative judges appointed by President George W. Bush and Donald Trump, chief Justice John Roberts and Neil Gorsuch voted with the four justices appointed by democratic administrations to make up the majority vote.

Louisiana's governor John B. Edwards said the courts decision confirms what we have long known:  prejudice and discrimination on any basis, including sexual or gender identity are not Louisiana values and should never be tolerated.  The Louisiana legislature controlled by the republican party had objected to Edward's executive order that companies doing business in Louisiana not discriminate against such workers.  And once again the republican party in Louisiana, especially Attorney General Jeff Landry has to be schooled by the Supreme Court concerning the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and what it means.

Trump, Mitch McConnell and the republican party out smarted themselves when they supported, appointed and voted for Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme  Court.  They think in terms of their ideology and their Court appointees are one and the same.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.  Republicans in congress live the lie of being conservative but are extremist.  Conservative judges are not politicians and do not think conservative on all subject matters.  Republicans feel they are so elite, they can have their way with any one they appoint to office.  But the party of Gingrich and Trump are so corrupt they have no respect for the court, its concept or the people.

This writer in a PolitiDose commentary dated 10/7/18 titled, "The U.S. Senate Confirms Brett Cavanaugh For The U.S. Supreme Court" said there has to be at least one true conservative Supreme Court Judge that will not allow the court to be swayed with extreme views about the constitution and in effect allow the Trump administration to write the history of their time on the bench.  And in this landmark decision it was two of the conservative Judges that voted with the ruling.  The ruling will also affect Trump's order just a few days ago that would allow insurance workers and insurance companies to refuse health insurance to LGBT workers.  Trump wanted to change what the word sex covered in the Civil Rights act which was voted by congress and can only be changed by congress.

Trump and his party were given an additional blow this week when the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear Trump and his ditto head Attorney General's appeal to overturn California's sanctuary city that was upheld by the U.S. Court of Appeals.  In that case the courts long ago ruled that states had no obligation to enforce federal laws.  But Trump and his party love frivolous litigation.  So now attention is turned to several more important cases before the Court concerning Trump and his party's extremism.  Those rulings will be very important and will shed more light on how so called conservative Judges will rule.

As for as the workplace decision by the Court, it was long over due.  No person should have to suffer discrimination for obvious reasons.  The people deserve better.  It is a common sense thing that escapes Trump, his party and religious leaders who are hypocrites on the subject matter.  So stay tuned to PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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