Sunday, January 15, 2017

Inauguration Day January 20, 2017

This coming Friday will begin the Donald Trump era in the White House as President and Commander in Chief.  His divisive campaign of lies and blame will end and and the "buck" will be transferred to his desk.  Will a Trump administration adopt President Truman's responsible and mature position of stopping the "buck" at his desk, or will the Trumpster continue his blame game carried out during the Presidential campaign.  Time will tell as the Donald's ego has never been under control.

Because the country and its people are so much better off today than when President George W. Bush left office, the country will find out pretty quick if Trump will lead the U.S. forward or backwards.  Will he use the power of his free will to make the right decisions or will his fondness for the "swamp" be confirmation of his true intentions.  If Trump repeals President Obama's executive orders like he said on day one a regression will take place, especially if the Iran agreement is one of them.

The most important question to be answered is does a President Trump understand the difference between "fate" and "destiny."  President Bush did not and started a war and occupation of Iraq over WMD that did not exist and is still going on.  Some past Presidents and Presidential candidates thought the U.S. was destined to play a  certain role and made certain decisions that affected the world and as a result major blunders were made that had a major negative impact on the U.S. and its people.  (There is a difference between "fate" and "destiny" as explained in my commentary of December 31, 2008, titled The United States:  Past, Present and Future)

Friday January 20 the people will start to find out if there is any difference between President Trump and the candidate Trump or the President elect Trump.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio