Wednesday, December 31, 2014

A Perspective On The Coming New Year

President Obama will be starting his seventh year in office January 2015 and the country and its people have much to be thankful for dispite all the distractions.  Our nation has come a long way from the worst recession in our history and the out look for the next two years is the most positive since that great recession.

The economy and job creation has reached a level that is self repeating; unemployment continues to go down; consumer confidence is rising; consumer spending is up and fueling economic expansion and job creation; consumer debt is down; the stock market at record levels; the war in Afghanistan has come to an end; gas prices are falling at the pump; America is still the world's best economy; the President has kept our nation out of unnecessary wars and kept our home land safe; median income is starting to increase; the federal deficit continues to go down; federal spending has been under control.  The positives outweigh the negatives for the coming years.

The President's approval ratings are going up and will continue to do so.  The manufactured scandal of Benghazi, the IRS and the ACA fizzled like 7up and lost its taste.  The President's policies worked dispite the noise machine and the country and its people are now in position to enjoy the benefits that will take place in the coming year.  The United States leads the international community to move forward on many fronts and America's leadership is still unchallenged in world affairs.

Barack Obama was one of the Presidential candidates who was elected President in 2008.
Who ever won that election would be dealt a horrific hand to manage.  It happened to be Obama, a democrat who was not this writers first choice for the democratic nomination.  However, he won that nomination and the general election to become President.  Having a limited amount of political experience he learned and grew on the job and has gained this writers respect for bringing the country to where it is today. His policies have worked and he has never personally attacked his opposition like they did him.

There is no doubt in my mind that America elected the best Presidential candidate in 2008 and 2012.  I look forward to seeing the nation reach full employment on his watch and a continuing economic expansion and advancement for the middle class.

Note:  I often refer to the recession as a depression because there has never been a worse recession prior to the 2008 one.

This commentary written by John Lucia.