Sunday, August 10, 2014

The Upcoming Congressional Elections

In less than three months voters in America will vote on members in both houses of congress.  Conservative journalists and the republican party in Louisiana are predicting the republican party will elect enough republican members in the U.S.House and Senate to give them control of both houses of congress.  Therefore it will be the republican party who will controll the political agenda in 2015 and 2016, the last two years of Obama's Presidency.

The last time both houses of congress was controlled by the party occured during the first six years of the George W. Bush administration.  For those in Louisiana and the nation that remember the past, those first six years was a prelude to the great depression of 2008.  It was a time when President Clinton's balanced budgets and surpluses were turned into deficit spending and debt in Bush's very first fiscal year and for all 8 years he was in office.  It also reversed the greatest economy of the 20th century.  It was also a time that gave the country and its people the invasion and occupation of Iraq over WMD that did not exist and destablized the country.  It was also a time when Bush and the republicans tried to privatize social security.  It was a time when the worst foreign terror attack on U.S. soil happened in 2001. 

It was a time of no action on health care for the uninsured and no action on immigration reform.  It was a time that republicans passed a $400 billion prescription drug benefit that ended up costing the taxpayers over $1 trillion and was paid for with deficit spending.  It was a time when ideology trumped policy and facts and where personal attacks replaced civility.

Voters would do well to remember the failed past of the republican party, especially since the economy and job creation is back on track and federal deficit spending is being reduced in a reasonable manner.  The country and people of Louisiana do not need another republican party in control of both houses of congress
that govern by ideology and who are already on record of saying they would not balance the federal budget for another 10 years.  And Louisiana does not need a republican party who is always trying to pass blame off to someone else.  Yes my fellow Americans, understanding the mistakes of the past is still the key to a better future.

This commentary written by John Lucia