Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Louisiana's Grand Old Party: A Very Sad Bunch Of Public Servants

I wrote a commentary here in PolitiDose concerning Louisiana's three stooges in Congress, namely David Vitter, Steve Scalise and Jeff Landry.  They seem to be in the news more than the other Louisiana representatives serving in congress but all of them collectively represent a very sad bunch of public servants for what once was called the Grand Old Party.

Those so called republican conservatives from Louisiana all served during the Bush 43 administration with the exception of Landry and rubber stamped Bush's policies that became the greatest job killers since the great depression; gave the country and its people the second great depression and meltdown of the economy and turned President Clinton's balanced budgets and surpluses into eight straight years of record deficit spending and debt; the largest single yearly budget deficit in the history of the country to the tune of $1.42 trillion.  And then to top it off, the failure of the Wall Street Banks because Republicans looked the other way instead of enforcing regulations.

Those republicans along with Bobby Jindal, who also served in congress during the Bush 43 administration have done a poor job of bringing new jobs to Louisiana and their do nothing attitude explains why.  The unemployment rate in January 2008 in Louisiana when Jindal took office was 3.8%.  In May 2012 it was 7.2% an increase of 3.4%.  State layoffs and budget cuts along with Jindal's inability to balance the state budgets have continued the job killing that goes along with republican administrations both on the federal and state level.  Makes no different if republicans are representing Louisiana in the state legislature or congress, the result is the same, "disaster".

These are the very same Louisiana republicans who had a chance to cut federal spending while they served in congress during the Bush 43 eight years in office and instead gave the country and its people eight straight years of recoed deficit spending and debt.  Federal spending was down 1.6% at the end of President Obama's first fiscal year budget that ended 9/30/10 compared to Bush's last fiscal year budget that ended 9/30/09.  No republican President has balanced the federal budget since Eisenhower in 1960, over 50 years ago and no republican President in over 50 years has cut federal spending year to year.

The kicker with the Louisiana republicans is their support for Mitt Romney who's stated policies, if elected would ape the Bush policies that failed the country big time.  Understanding the past is still the key to the future and the past talking points of republicans that they continue using today is a prescription for the third great depression.  The country and its people deserve a better future.

Note:  See my past commentaries here in PolitiDose about Jindal's failure to balance the state budgets even though Jindal and the state legislature has announced the budgets are balanced.  A pure and simple fairytale.