Thursday, June 30, 2016

Another Slap Down For The Republicans in Congress and The Fox News Network

The U.S. House Select Committee issued and released its final report on Benghazi and we now know it was not a Hillary Clinton scandal like the republicans and the Fox News Network claimed  over and over since day one.  It was the longest and most expensive congressional investigation ever by congress.  The readers of "PolitiDose" knew it was no scandal and read it here first in "PolitiDose" long ago.  It should be noted that Donald Trump after announcing he would run for President started using the republicans talking point of blaming Hillary for the terror attack on Benghazi.

Clinton herself testified before the committee in person for over 8 hours many months ago and the committee came up empty handed because she was such a credible witness.  The report found no new evidence of culpability or wrongdoing by Clinton in the Benghazi attack. The so called scandal was a continuation of the negative attacks against Clinton by the republicans and the Fox network that has been going on for many years.  Republican house majority leader Kevin McCarthy told Fox news in September of last year that the committee's work had put a dent in Clinton's poll numbers.  McCarthy and Fox were not concerned about the truth of Benghazi, they just wanted to damage Clinton.

One can be accurate in saying a high percentage of Clinton's negative poll numbers can be traced to the personal attacks against her.  Republicans and conservatives knew they could not articulate any accomplishments they themselves have made or debate the issues the country faces so negative attacks are the only answers they have.

Clinton is a serious public servant who will not allow personal attacks to stop her from serving her country and its people.  Her character over shadows her opponents hostility and lies.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Conservative Journalist And The NRA

Erick Erickson, the conservative opinion writer in a column published by the Times Picayune of 6/26/16 in reference to the Orlando shooting revealed his ditto head failure when he stated we need more guns in America in the hands of law abiding citizens to solve the gun violence problem.  That is the standard NRA talking point which Donald Trump also invoked after the Orlando shooting.  Police chiefs all across America disagreed with that statement a long time ago.

Erickson goes on in the column and makes more than one statement that is not true to the facts.  His statement that the Democrats proposals would only stop long barrel rifles is absurd.  The democrats are on record that they want all gun sales to go through the same check as guns sold at regulated gun shows as evidence indicate private gun sales account for up to 40% of all gun sales and are not subject to regulatory checks.

Erickson statement that law abiding citizens have difficulty obtaining guns is blatantly not true and he knows it.  The NRA is probable laughing at that statement and telling each other Erickson is right where we want him, doing our work.  His next statement that democrats wish to deny Americans their right to gun ownership without due process is an outright lie.

Erickson also goes off the stupid end with a Trump like remark when he tried to compare democrats wanting to ban guns to people on the no fly list to republicans wanting to ban women on the no fly list for having an abortion.  Can anyone believe any thing this guy says.  He also goes ff the deep end when he said terrorists want to kill us and the government cannot keep us safe.  He then contradicts his own self by saying, "Americans should realize the government cannot be anywhere and everywhere immediately and that we must rely on ourselves to defend ourselves."

The fact of the matter is government can keep the people safer if they have the proper tools to do so.  Erickson's fairy tale statement was when he said, "it is no coincidence that the states with the most restrictive gun laws have the worse gun crimes."  That statement is a lie that is embraced by the NRA.  According to an article by More Magazine of October 2014 by Nanette Varian, "Mayors Against Illegal Guns" analysis produced the following results.

Approximately 6.6 million guns were sold at private gun sales took place in 2012 where federal law does not apply.  Disturbed by that disconnect 16 states took actions themselves and enacted tougher gun laws on their own and here is how their gun stats compare with those states that haven't closed the private sale loop hole.

a)    38% fewer women shot and killed by their intimate partners.

b)   49% fewer firearms suicides.

c)   17% fewer aggravated assaults committed with firearms.

d)   64% fewer gun trafficked to other states.

e)   39% fewer law enforcement officers killed by hand guns.

Yes, there are steps government can take to reduce gun violence that has nothing to do with a persons right to self defense.  Conservatives and the NRA do not have the answer, never had and never will because of ideology.  It is too bad conservative writers and the NRA feel they have to actually lie to the public when it comes to gun violence and the second amendment.

Note:  The 16 states who enacted their gun laws are California, Connecticut, Colorado, Delaware, Iowa, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Washington, D.C.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Friday, June 24, 2016

Two Journalists Whose Writings Are Void Of Spin

Journalists E.J. Dionne, Jr. and Paul Krugman's political commentary sets the standard for factual reporting and are always up to date on the subject matter they write about.  In the past two weeks Dionne wrote a commentary in the New Orleans Advocate and Krugman wrote a commentary in the New Orleans Times Picayune concerning Donald Trump, the republican and democratic party and Hillary Clinton.

Dionne's commentary titled, "Trump and the GOP's Jurassic Park" articulated how Trump and the republican party's extremism go hand in hand and how the party leaders are having problems trying to distance themselves from Trump while at the same time supporting him.  And Dionne correctly points out Trump speaks for the majority of their rank and file.  Dionne also said it best when he said, "the paradox is that Trump, who claims to speak for the people, shares this very low opinion of who Americans are."

Krugman's commentary titled, "Presidential campaign is tale of two political parties" points out with clarity the republican party is a hollow party of ideology while the democratic party is a coalition party of many groups with a diversity of interest.  He also says that the being a hollow party the Republican establishment was easily overthrown by Trump in the debates by his attacks on his republican opponents lack of achievements.  Of course that stuck because they and the party have no accomplishments.

Krugman also reported a study by Harvard's Sharenstein Center that showed the media treatment of the presidential candidates during 2015 that Clinton received by far (84%) the most unfavorable coverage, twice as high as Trumps and that unfavorable coverage can be equated to millions of dollars in attack ads with Clinton on the receiving end.

For those who read "PolitiDose" the theme in Dionne and Krugman's commentary should sound familiar because you read it here first in "PolitiDose" long ago.  That includes the media's love affair with Trump and the free time he is given and the constant barrage of negative comments about Clinton.  This writer does not compare his writing to Dionne or Krugman but thinks he can see the issues with out all the hype and spin and come to a reasonable conclusion.

Yes, Donald Trump and the republican party are one and the same with extremist views on almost all the issues.  The news media promoted Trump's speech this past Wednesday as a policy speech on the economy and foreign policy.  But it turned out to be an extreme personal attack on Hillary Clinton and even questioned her religion.  Religion is what many factions in the middle east fight over and even commit terrorist attacks in the name of their religion.  We are a country where church and state is separate, and for good reason.  Trump is more in tuned to an extremist state.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

America At War: A Reflection On American Leadership, Past, Present and The Future

Today's rhetoric concerning war is a lot different than it had been in the past.  Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman presided over WWII and was not out there trying to talk tough nor did they talk about killing our enemies every day.  Instead they had a war policy with tough action that brought the war to a successful end and the leaders of Germany and Japan to justice.

President Truman made the toughest decision as Commander in Chief and ordered the use of atomic weapons that brought Japan to the surrender table.  He did not brag about it nor did he seek publicity because the war ended on his watch.  Five years after WWII ended Truman sent American combat troops to S. Korea to stop communist N. Korea's invasion and taking over of S. Korea.  He did not brag about that either or try to talk tough.  His actions told the story.

The so called tough talk and bragging started with President Reagan concerning terrorists but his actions never matched his rhetoric.  He left office with the Iran-Contra scandal of selling arms to and negotiating with Iran, a sponsor of terror.  His administration also failed to bring the terrorists to justice who planned the terror attack on the U.S. Marine compound in Lebanon that killed 241 Marines.  His famous words to terrorists were, "you can run but you can't hide."

President George W. Bush took the tough talk and bragging to a new high after the attack on America on 9/11/01 and like President Reagan his actions against terrorists never matched his rhetoric.  He openly talked about killing terrorists but hat no plan to bring Bin Laden to justice and a failed plan with the invasion of Afghanistan to eliminate the Taliban.  The President also tried to link Saddam Hussein to the 9/11 attacks but the link never existed.  He made up a deck of cards of Iraqi leaders with the caption "wanted dead of alive" and started a war and occupation of Iraq over WMD that did not exist.  The President's tough talk about the surge was to buy time to allow Iraq's various factions to come together in unity never happened and Iraq is still a divided country thirteen years after the war started.  Before  President Bush left office he told the press he had no idea where Bin Laden was and did not spend a lot of time thinking about him.  He just left that problem to President elect Barack Obama.

President Obama came to office with out the so called tough talk and bragging but set his top priority to bring Bin Laden to justice.  His administration accomplished that and brought more terrorists leaders to justice than the Reagan and Bush administrations combined.  His administration has also kept America's homeland safe from foreign terror attacks.  He also has a policy in the middle east.  Some may not like it but our men and women in uniform over there are in a safer role helping other countries help themselves.

The presumptive republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump has taking up the republican torch of trying to talk tough and bragging how he would defeat terrorists very quickly.  Even said if elected he would consider asking congress to declare war on terror and would not rule out using nuclear weapons against ISIS.  Trump also suggested S. Korea and Japan should develop nuclear weapons capabilities which would expand the threat of nuclear weapons.  Trump's tough talk and bragging has no policy and everyday it becomes more extreme and unproductive.  Every issue he touches ends up with so called tough talk.  Trumps lack of judgement is a boom to ISIS and its recruitment of more terrorists.

Hillary Clinton is the presumptive democratic Presidential nominee and is more in tuned with rational talk but carries a big stick because of her experience in both foreign and domestic issues.  She is not one to brag and promise quick results that she knows take time and effort to achieve.  But she has plans and policy that she articulates to the people on the campaign.  She also has the benefit of being Secretary of State under a President who has had success in fighting terrorists.

So called tough talk and bragging has not taken care of the job at hand in the past nor will it do so in the future because it is based on self promotion only.  Understanding the failed policies of the past is still the key to a better future and the future to fight terror is best accomplished by rational policies and priority.  Tough talk gave us Al Queda in Iraq and its sister terror organization ISIS.  Tough talk was used to remove a dictator over WMD that did not exist.  That dictator did not allow Al Queda to operate in any part of Iraq that he controlled.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, June 18, 2016

It is Not The Times That Have Changed, It is The People.

This writer was born in 1934 and remembers WWII very well.  Most people from that era think of it as a "golden era" in their lives.  The period was also called "the greatest generation."  It is a time I will never forget and I often receive chain emails, facebook and other social comments concerning those years and its many happy moments.

The chain emails remind us how everyone pulled together and respected authority.  We were all united for a cause that was greater than our selves.  We were all poor but it never sunk in as we always found a way to be happy and survive.  Many of us worked at an early age.  I was a "soda jerk" in a drug store when I was 13 and was paid 33 cents per hour.  I ate a lot of ice cream and drank a lot of ice cream sodas but the owner knew about it and treated his employees fairly.

But there is a sad story about some of the emails and etc. that came from people who lived in that "golden age."  They wish they could return to that "golden age" and then go on a tear against the President blaming him for every thing they think is wrong and calling him every nasty name you can think of with extreme comments.  They fail to remember that the "golden age" was a time when the American people supported their President.  There was disagreements but the people did not say extreme things about the President or call him nasty names and a traitor.  Nor did the people blame him for everything that went wrong.  Nor did the people try to divide the country.

No, the times have not changed, but people have.  Instead of using their free will to make positive statements they choose instead to repeat what is said on TV and other news outlets even though they fail to check out the accuracy of the statements made.  They choose to be followers instead of leaders.  Freedom to choose comes with responsibility.  The people of the "golden age" had it while many have lost it.  What a shame.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Coastal Carolina Sweeps LSU In The Baton Rouge Super Regional

A lot of baseball fans in Louisiana knew little about Coastal Carolina but learned a lot after they beat LSU in two straight games to advance to the College World Series.  It will be their first appearance in Omaha.  The two game defeat for LSU was a continuation of their regular season failure of leaving too many men on base in scoring position.  Timely hitting was lacking.

Coach Paul Mainieri wore the look of "no confidence" in the dug out and on the field, especially when he changed pitchers.  This writer's commentary dated 6/21/15 titled LSU baseball and the college world series attempted to explain the short comings of the LSU team and this season indicates the same apply.  LSU has never replaced the talent they lost a few years ago who were so productive at the plate.

Paul Mainieri is no Skip Bertman and no one expects him to be but Mainieri's team lacks the basics of the game.  This writer believes one reason the LSU talent level has fallen off is because of the SEC expansion a few years ago.  Expansion dilutes the available talent as I explained in my previous commentary.  LSU's two loses came in their own ball park, a place where they should enjoy at least some advantage over their opponents.

Mainieri talks as if LSU's talent is there but this writer disagrees and saw no improvement over last years team and very little in this years team as the season played out.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Orlando: Another tragedy By Gun Violence

It has been an unending story in America.  Death by guns in the hands of people who should not have them, especially an assault type military weapon.  Forty nine innocent people killed and many more wounded.  An assault type military rifle was used which the shooter purchased only a few days before according to the FBI.  The rifle was purchased legally because gun loopholes in the law are as common as loopholes in the tax code for the wealthy.

The Orlando shooter could not have purchased the rifle legally had the ban on such weapons been extended, but the Bush 43 administration let the ban die and did not push to keep it in place.  An assault rifle is a weapon of war.  Can anyone honestly say they should be in the hands of civilians?   The ban actually worked while in place and police chiefs all over the country supported it.

Trump's statement about the Orlando shooting that the people in the club where the shooting occurred should have had guns to   protect themselves and that the best way to protect from a bad man with a gun is a good man with a gun.  Trump simply stated the NRA's position which is so childish and unbecoming a man who would like to be President.
President Ronald Reagan was in the company of good men with guns (the Secret Service) yet Reagan was shot by an assassin.  President Kennedy was in the same company with good men plus the Dallas police department, yet the President was killed.  Police all across America carry guns yet they can not stop gun violence and in some instance can not even save their own lives.  Trump and the leaders of the NRA are not wrapped tight and do not belong in the conversation of how to have control over gun violence.

Sixteen states have gun control laws that have reduced violence by guns by large percentages.  Don't take my word for it, just go on line and see for yourself.  The NRA and the uninformed are the only ones standing in the way of reasonable gun measures to fight the epidemic of gun violence.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, June 12, 2016

The Louisiana Legislature: Will It Face Up To Its Responsibilities?

The Louisiana legislature began its second special session on June 6 because it failed to resolve the state's fiscal problems that begins the state's new budget year which starts July 1.  The governor thinks the short fall is about $600 million.  The legislators say it is less, around $300 million.

The bottom line to be able to measure success will be for legislators to find a way to fully fund or partially fund those programs deemed necessary to advance the state and its people with funds that are recurring and can be counted on year in and year out.  There are ways to raise revenue and cut spending with out the rhetoric that takes those two issues to the extreme.

The legislators have failed that test in the past and it is now time for them to stand tall and finally take the steps necessary to make a final break with past mistakes.  They can debate raising revenue and cutting spending all they want but will their final decision result in real fiscal change that solves the budget problem.

If one takes the results of the first special session and the regular session that ended just a week ago the answer is no and the ball is in the court of the republican controlled legislature.  The governor has given them his ideas, just maybe they are more workable if given a chance.  After all the legislators should be getting tired of their 8 years of budget gimmicks.  If they did their jobs right in the first place there would be no need for special sessions.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Hillary Clinton Was "Super" On Super Tuesday

Hillary Clinton scored big wins in super Tuesday's Presidential primaries and won more than enough delegates to secure her party's nomination at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.  Clinton won the two largest prizes, the New Jersey and California primaries which were rich in delegates.

Clinton did what she said she would do from the very beginning, take her campaign to the people and not take any votes for granted.  The pundits told everyone she might loose California and be embarrassed but just the opposite happened.

After the delegates cast their official votes at the convention Clinton will become the very first woman chosen as the Presidential nominee of a major political party in America.  Her address Tuesday night after the primaries from her Brooklyn, New York headquarters struct the right tone and her accomplishment will have a positive effect for women in all walks of life.  On Tuesday night the voters proved just how great America stands as a country.  If elected President, she can set the tone for equal pay because her Presidential salary will be the same as past Presidents who have all been men.

She also acknowledged the positive role her mother played in her life and capped it off by saying her mother taught her how to deal with a bully.  This writer thought she displayed her humor there.  Yes, Tuesday night really was Hillary's night, and for good reason.

Note:  Many remarks made by the pundits at Fox News, MSNBC and CNN after the election results were coming in were purely theatrical and the usual spin.   No quality reporting there.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Hillary Clinton Is The "Stand Out" Candidate In This Years Presidential Race

The 17 republican Presidential candidates were so self destructive Donald Trump emerged as their party's presumptive nominee.  And now it seems Trump himself may just self destruct.  The party has no integrity left, no common sense, no claim to civility and no sense of policy.  Trump and the GOP have lost sense of what America and its political system is all about.  The GOP in congress refused to work with the President on day one and turned their backs on the people of America.  They are now united behind Trump and have turned their backs on the people once again.

Every day Trump is involved in some inflammatory remarks about some one and rolls back to some degree the integrity that Presidential candidates should strive for.  He lacks the skills for human behavior and masks his inability to be a productive voice for the people.  George W. Bush called himself the decider and failed that big time.  Trump is the divider and does not believe in a "united" states.

Hillary Clinton has taken much personal abuse from the republicans, conservative journalists and the major news media also has piled it on and it started when she came to the White House with husband Bill Clinton.  But through all the years she has been a steady voice for public service, served in the U.S. Senate for 8 years and was secretary of state for 4 years.  She is a wife, mother, parent and grandmother.  Through all the years of personal attacks she has shown courage, character and the will to defend herself and her family.  She is a person who believes in people being united, not divided and has never been afraid to make public her tax returns.

Hillary is a person of compassion who has always stood up for all Americans.  She has the political understanding to make government work for the good of the country and its people.  She is a person who can live very comfortable financially outside of politics but she truly believes public service is a noble cause and opportunity to do good things for the country and its people.  The Presidency is a place for serious public service and not a show off platform for inflammatory statements that divide and separate its people.

This writer believes Hillary Clinton is indeed the "stand out" Presidential candidate in this years election and the one person with the best all around qualifications and temperament to lead the United States and its people for the next four years.

Note:  As this writer predicted in a previous commentary, Speaker of the U.S. House Paul Ryan has thrown his support behind Donald Trump and has urges his fellow GOP to do the same thing.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio