Saturday, June 18, 2016

It is Not The Times That Have Changed, It is The People.

This writer was born in 1934 and remembers WWII very well.  Most people from that era think of it as a "golden era" in their lives.  The period was also called "the greatest generation."  It is a time I will never forget and I often receive chain emails, facebook and other social comments concerning those years and its many happy moments.

The chain emails remind us how everyone pulled together and respected authority.  We were all united for a cause that was greater than our selves.  We were all poor but it never sunk in as we always found a way to be happy and survive.  Many of us worked at an early age.  I was a "soda jerk" in a drug store when I was 13 and was paid 33 cents per hour.  I ate a lot of ice cream and drank a lot of ice cream sodas but the owner knew about it and treated his employees fairly.

But there is a sad story about some of the emails and etc. that came from people who lived in that "golden age."  They wish they could return to that "golden age" and then go on a tear against the President blaming him for every thing they think is wrong and calling him every nasty name you can think of with extreme comments.  They fail to remember that the "golden age" was a time when the American people supported their President.  There was disagreements but the people did not say extreme things about the President or call him nasty names and a traitor.  Nor did the people blame him for everything that went wrong.  Nor did the people try to divide the country.

No, the times have not changed, but people have.  Instead of using their free will to make positive statements they choose instead to repeat what is said on TV and other news outlets even though they fail to check out the accuracy of the statements made.  They choose to be followers instead of leaders.  Freedom to choose comes with responsibility.  The people of the "golden age" had it while many have lost it.  What a shame.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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