Thursday, January 14, 2016

The State Of The Union Address

President Obama's last state of the union address Tuesday night touched all of the bases with the right tone.  It was not the usual type address, but one that was in order because of the mood of the country.  The President rightly spoke of his accomplishments and that he does not plan to rest in his final year.

The speech rejected fear and the extreme attitude being used by some Presidential candidates and others who use those tactics and make matters worse.  The President also laid out how important raising the minimum wage, equal pay and other key issues need to be addressed.  That medicare and social security is necessary more today than in the past and should be strengthen and not weakened.  And he reminded the viewers that the people in congress enjoy good health care coverage and retirement benefits at the same time the middle class are trying to move forward.

Republican speaker of the U.S. House Paul Ryan who sat next to Vice President Biden hardly cracked a smile and even smirked at times.  He and his republican members looked so out of place while the President was speaking.  Ryan looked the part of one of the republicans who long ago said they wanted to see the President fail.  It is no wonder Trump continues to lead their party's Presidential candidates.

The President stood tall at the state of the union and the people who cast their votes for him twice made the right decision.  He has shown his character and political understanding by rejecting the lame duck status.  That is a good precedent for future Presidents to follow.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio