Monday, February 26, 2018

Has Trump's Supporters Given Up On The Social Media and He ?

During the Presidential campaign of 2016 and most of 2017 supporters of Donald Trump made comments over my Facebook page almost endlessly bragging how much he would accomplish as President and reporting all the fake news sponsored by Trump, the Clinton haters and Russian operatives who were willing to spread all the lies to damage her  Trump was a moral man according to so many comments.

But now after a full year of the trumpet man in office, Trump's supporters have gone silent with very little to say  Its like they don't even exist anymore.  In fact, for some reason PJ's coffee seems to get all the social comments which is a real departure from the past.  I'm not please with that since I do not like or drink flavored coffee.  I'll take good old cafĂ© de monde any day.

I can understand the lack of commentary from Trump's supporters over the social networks since he has so few accomplishments, low approval rating and a federal investigation at his door step.  And of course the management skills he bragged about are non existent in the political world he lives in now.  The real problem with social media can be traced to those who continue to try and pass off opinions and fake news as facts, and talk radio is the worse of them all and in New Orleans WWL talk radio is just a big joke with a few exceptions.

It is nice once again to open Facebook and hear down to earth comments void of political content.  As for this writer, I have never started a political comment on Facebook, but I have replied to political comment that comes across my Facebook page.  My political thoughts and comments are recorded here in PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio