Monday, March 30, 2020

Republican Opinion Writers : A Failure To Journalze.

The people were told Ronald Reagan's eleventh commandment was that a republican should never talk ill about another  republican.  Donald Trump did not listen during the 2016 republican primaries or debates and delighted in attacking all his republican opponents, especially in their debates.  This writer made commentary about that in PolitiDose at the time it took place and noted that Trump was doing to the republicans  what republicans had been doing to democrats for years.  At the time republican opinion writers failed to be journalists in their commentary about the matter.  So lets examine the republican opinion writers failure to journalize and especially now with the impeached President in the White House.

After 38 months in office one would think that republican opinion writers, radio or TV host would be talking or writing about Trump's accomplishments.  But most reports, especially those on Fox News, the Rush Limbaugh show are constantly attacking democrats while Trump and his party are running the show.  Their targets are the usual, former President Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton.  Those who follow politics understand why they are not talking about Trump and his party.  They can not articulate any immigration reform legislation that he or his party has introduced to congress which Trump said was his number two priority during the 2016 campaign.

They can not articulate any infrastructure legislation that Trump or his party introduced to congress to debate and vote on.  That also was a Trump priority.  They can not articulate that Trump and the GOP's tax cuts was a job creator like Trump said because job creation under Trump has fallen behind job creation under the Obama administration.  And they can not articulate corporate America moving jobs back to America like the tax cuts were supposed to accomplish.  And they dare not articulate that infrastructure legislation would have benefited the economy much more than the Trump-GOP tax cuts.

And after 16 years of republicans talking about a health care plan, those republican writers and hosts still can not articulate to the public a republican health care plan that has merit.  And what the republicans have always tried to sell the nation that they were the best for foreign policy, they can not articulate what is Trump's foreign policy toward our allies or opponents.  The list goes on and on.

The bottom line tell us republican opinion writers and hosts have failed to journalize with input on what really matters and makes a difference.  So look for the continued attacks on democrats even though Trump and his party are running the country.  At the present time they are up against an entity they can't even see, the coronavirus and its revealing the true story of a mentally unfit President that was impeached for good reason.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

This commentary written by Joe Lorio