Monday, May 30, 2022

The Killing Of Children In America's Schools Has To Stop. And It Has To Stop NOW.

 What has our country become when we accept the mass shootings and killings of children in school and just treat the tragedy as a foot note in the news and fail to hold those responsible for their inaction to address the repeated carnage?  The 19 grade students at Uvalde's Robb school should not have lost their lives because the tragic event did not have to take place.

Students should not have to die by gun violence at a place of learning when they are being educated to grow and be good productive citizens.  Stolen lives because there are elected officials who believe in the proliferation of guns on the streets of America without proper regulations that would prevent such tragic events.

So after every such tragic gun violence deaths, the survivors and the families are offered words of condolence but no words of actions to address the problem head on so we just move to the next gun violence deaths and go through the motions once again.

Elected officials who make it easy for guns to proliferate with their watered down gun legislation do not value life.  They value a corrupt extreme ideology that shame what Ameria stands for.  They lack character and courage and display their ignorance when they want to add to the burdens teachers are already exposed to when their answer is to arm the teachers.  A terrible idea from mindless officials.

The killing of children in schools should never be acceptable and those elected officials who refused through the years to take a stand and vote for positive gun control laws and a ban on assault type weapons should be voted out of office.  They have had much time to rethink their position but refused to change the status quo.  They do not belong in positions of power and failed the test of an elected public official.  

The tragic events that took place at Uvalde and other schools in the past should never occur again.  And the people of America can see that it does not with their vote and voice and hold those elected officials responsible for neglecting their duty to serve and keep the people  safe.  The innocent school children who have died in gun violence should not be forgotten.  They represent the core values of family life and are the future leaders of America the Beautiful.  They deserve a chance to live their dreams.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio