Tuesday, June 12, 2018

What We KInow About President Trump and Canada

We know the President likes to dish out criticism and personal attacks on other people and then acts like a little baby when the attacks are flung back at him.  That's what is going on between the trumpet man and Canada's prime minister Trudeau in their latest exchange of  words when Trudeau said he would not be intimidated by Trump.

The words have escalated because Trump's talks with Canada and Mexico concerning NAFTA are going no where fast and both are not rolling over and paying dead for the trumpet man.  In fact, the talks are going so badly, Trump is now talking about meeting with each country separately, a far departure for the tri-party NAFTA agreement.

And to top it all off, Trump allows his ditto heads to pile on Trudeau with their verbal attacks and then one has to apologize and one has a heart attack and ends up in the hospital.  As this writer said in the past, there is no bottom to the gutter that the trumpet man and his ditto heads wallow in.

But there are two pieces of good news for our country that has remained steady.  Robert Mueller's handling of his special investigation and Hillary Clinton's character and courage.  The republicans three year investigation of Clinton's email turned out to be the fake news of he decade and they controlled the investigations.

And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio