Saturday, March 26, 2016

A Letter To The Editor Concerning Taxes Is A Mirror Of Past PolitiDose Commentary.

In a letter to the editor of the New Orleans Advocate of March 26 James Bollinger in reply to a March 10 "readers view" letter by Mr. John Kay, Louisiana State Director Of Americans For Prosperity whose organization's website declared, " we protect the American dream by fighting each day for lower taxes, less government regulations and economic prosperity for all."  (in reference to recently passed tax increases in Louisiana which Mr. Kay's organization opposed)

Mr. Bollinger pointed out in his letter what "PolitiDose" has said in many past commentaries how taxes and regulations are required to run government and regulate business for the good of the state and its people.  Mr. Bollinger also said this in his letter and I quote.  As for the gentleman's concerns about Louisiana being at some disadvantage vis a vis other states, I believe it is time to realize that competition among states for business is yet another race to the bottom.  It is far better for states to join together to protect themselves against the demands of businesses, rather than give away the store and follow the business piper called American Legislative Exchange Council.

That statement will also be familiar to the readers of "PolitiDose" concerning the business community and their demands on government for special tax breaks.  Bollinger articulates in his letter how taxes and regulations actually protect the American Dream and this writer urges the readers of "PolitiDose" to read his letter to the editors.

Mr. Bollinger ends his letter by saying, "Lets not allow Fox News, Corporate America or Walton and Johnson to dictate what truth is."  And that should really sound familiar because you read it here first in "PolitiDose" your daily dose of political commentary.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio