Friday, August 10, 2018

Another First for PoitiDose

If the readers of PolitiDose tuned in to MSNBC's nightly show "The Last Word" with host Lawrence O'Donnell on Thursday August 9 and O'Donnell's opening remarks sounded familiar, its because you read it here first in PolitiDose in a commentary dated August 7, titled, "Watergate andTrumpgate:  The Republican Party Then and Now."

O'Donnell pointed out how the republicans in congress played a different role in the matter of Watergate, the special prosecutor and President Nixon and put the constitution first and their responsibility as elected officials to execute their responsibilities.  He than compared the republicans attitude in the congress today land their unwillingness to carry out their responsibility concerning the special prosecutor's Trump campaign and Russia investigation.

O'Donnell used the leaked audio of republican representative Nunes who spoke at a private fund raising event and told the audience the republicans had to protect Trump against the Mueller investigation and that if the democrats won control of the U.S. House in November they would impeach Trump and the republicans would loose control of the situation.

The two guests who appeared on the show basically also confirmed what was written in the PolitiDose commentary  It was a remarkable opening segment by O'Donnell and his two guests just how close the commentaries were between the two. ( PolitiDose and the O'Donnell show)  O'Donnell's show touched just about everything said in PolitiDose and went farther back than Watergate in his comparison to support  his remarks and did a great job in doing so.

PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary will continue to bring to its readers up to date remarks that really matter and make a difference.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio