Friday, August 24, 2012

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal's Failed Policies

In my commentary dated 6/23/12 titled "Bobby Jindal's Record On Unemployment" it was pointed out how President Obama did a better job of reducing the national unemployment rate in his first three years in office than Jindal did reducing unemployment in Louisiana in his first three years in office. 

Now we have a report by the Times Picayune dated 8/18/12 where the Louisiana Bureau of Labor Statistics reported unemployment in Louisiana for July was 7.6%, up from 7.5% in June and 7.3% in July 2011.  The increase for July was the third straight month unemployment increased in Louisiana.  The sacred cow known as the $8 billion give away of tax incentatives to business is not creating jobs.  That $8 billion has been off the table during all of Jinda's administration even though he has not balanced any budgets since he has been in office and budget cuts have resulted in state lay offs that have added to the state unemployment numbers.  See Note 1

Jindal and the republican party that control the legislature have been a disaster to Louisiana much like the Bush Administration was to the U.S. and of course when Jindal served in congress during that time he rubber stamped Bush's failed policies.  He followed the lead of Paul Ryan.  Jindal has also copied the republican line of personal attacks because like republicans in general, he can not debate the issues.  It's hell when you are a republican and feel so inadequate.

One can easy notice that republicans do not dare talk about Bush's record in this Presidential campaign because it would remind the people of the second great depression and their involvement in it.  And when Jindal leaves office republicans who aspire to his job will not be talking about his record either because it will remind the people of Louisiana Jindal's failed policies.