Monday, January 8, 2018

Another First For PolitiDose: Again

Bob Marshall, the former long time Outdoors editor for the Times Picayune and former environmental reporter for The Lens is well known for his expertise concerning Louisiana's environment and its politics.  Marshall still writes commentary on the subject matter in the TP and his article published 1/7/18 in Sunday's paper was timely and to the point.  The title was,  "Our Delegation Puts Us More At Risk From Pollutants."  And if those who read the article thinks it sounds familiar, its because you read it here first in PolitiDose.

Marshall explains how Louisiana's elected officials who represent the state in Congress has supported President Trump's assault on the environment and regulations and even Trump's notion that business and the economy need those changes.  Marshall points out how business, the economy jobs and lower unemployment has done well prior to Trump's actions and that Louisiana officials have put big business and the money they control ahead of Louisiana's citizens.

Bob Marshall was right on target with his comments and PolitiDose has been at the fore front with past political commentary on the subject matter.  His article supports what PolitiDose has reported first many times over and you read it here first in PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio