Friday, September 4, 2015

Another Huge First For "PolitiDose"

On Thursday September 3 Donald Trump did what republicans do, sign pledges.  The Donald signed the republican pledge and in doing so swore to not run as a third party candidate and to support who ever wins the republican nomination for President.  Trump's actions confirm what has been written here in "PolitiDose" from day one.  That is Trump and the republican party are one and the same.

Trump is now squarely in the republican camp and there can be no separation of the party's extreme positions.  Republicans are good at signing pledges but have failed to sign the most important one, the pledge to put America and its people first.  In all probability the signing will tarnish Trump's campaign and will be thought of as just one of the 17 republican candidates whose campaign so far has been HO-Hum.

The American people don't seem to be impressed with the attention the news media has given Trump and his republican opponents for the latest polls show Clinton defeating Trump, Carson and Bush in the general election and while that same news media has tried to paint Clinton in trouble over her emails.  For those who follow politics, Trump is just an extension of the republican party's ideology that has been out of step with America's ideals for many years.  He just talks a little different.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio