Friday, October 9, 2015

Another First For "PolitiDose" Benghazi Was No Hillary Clinton Scandal.

The Fox News and the republicans in congress said the terror attack that struck Benghazi was a Hillary Scandal.  Cable News such as MSNBC and CNN in particular flashed "scandal" on the bottom of the TV screen when reporting on the event.  The republican Presidential candidates jumped on the bandwagon.  But "PolitiDose" knew better and reported so a  long time ago and pointed out that Hillary's email issues was not a scandal either.

The moment of truth came when the republican House majority leader Kevin McCarthy told Fox news the Benghazi investigation hearing by the republican controlled House committee did what it was intended to do, lower Hillary's poll numbers and damage her campaign.  It finally came out of the republican mouth, there is and was no scandal concerning Hillary and Benghazi.  McCarthy has since withdrawn his name as a candidate for Speaker of the House to replace John Boehner.  The Benghazi House committee hearing from the very beginning was to wound Hillary and not about the facts on the terror attack that took American lives.

The House Intelligence Panel that investigated the Benghazi attack (separate from the House hearing) issued its report after a two year study and found no wrong doing by the Obama administration.  That intelligence panel was made up of both democrats and republicans.  The panel also found that there was  never a "stand down order" as republicans charged and that Fox news repeated many time over.  The Intelligence report was issued many months ago.

The scandal that never was is just one of many reasons conservatism as practiced by today's republican party is an unAmerican ideology.  Stay tuned because Hillary's emails will not turn out to be a scandal either.  And like Benghazi, when the truth comes out you will have read it here first in "PolitiDose" your daily dose of political commentary.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio