Tuesday, September 1, 2015

MSNBC's "All In With Chris Hayes"

Monday's program of August 31 was a good reminder why this writer tunes into the cable news networks less and less.  Hayes long winded questions to his guests are so hard to follow, any substance is lost.  It reminds me of a host trying to answer his own questions in a round about way.

Hayes questions to a senator from New Hampshire, who is one of Hillary's supporter for that state concerning Clinton's emails was total nonsense and of no value.  The same could be said about two of his other guest concerning the number of debates scheduled for the democratic Presidential candidates.

The democratic party candidates are telling their stories to the voters in person at their campaign stops and the voters understand that emails do not define Hillary.  They also understand that four debates will be enough especially when most of the debate moderators are more interested in divisive issues than substance and they are the ones who ask the questions and control the debates.

Hayes came across as better informed when he wrote for the Nation (a news magazine) and appeared on cable news as a guest.  So now he has experience as a host and a guest but evidently has learned very little.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Make America Great Again

Its the latest political slogan of one who wants to be President.  Political slogans are nothing new and usually fail because the slogan never describes reality.  America is still the greatest country in the world and for good reasons.  A constitution that is still working after 240 years with a people who are committed to a life of liberty, freedom and respect.

Foreign governments still depend upon America to lead the way and America's generosity is unparalleled.  There are a lot of thorns among the roses in American life, but the roses outnumber the thorns by far because of the American attitude.  Remember the poster and slogan, "Uncle Sam Wants You."  That was reality and America responded.  And the American people are still responding today.

The irony of this new slogan is that it has been introduced by a man whose business empire is part of the world of Corporate America, the very same entity that is aligned with the Wall Street Banks that contributed greatly to the economic collapse of 2008.  That same man says his net worth exceeds $10 billion.  That same man is now preaching intolerance and division, something our fore fathers would never have approved of.

Yes, America is still a great country and yes we can still do better.  But it won't happen with the author of a slogan that has used his wealth to receive special treatment from his government at the expense of the American people..

This commentary written by Joe Lorio