Sunday, August 16, 2020

Another Traitorous Act By The Mentally Unfit President of the United States

This time the betrayal is against the U.S. Postal Service that has deep ramifications.  The Postal Service is in the constitution as a government institution that provides the public and the government with a necessary service that includes insuring a timely and sufficient vote by mail process.  And America  has a President who violates his oath of office by using the Postal Service as an excuse to bring about his unfounded rhetoric on fraud in mail in ballots.

So Trump appointed an unqualified republican donor Louis DeJoy to become Postmaster General to dismantle the Postal Service's ability to perform just months before the 2020 Presidential election.  There are reports by some Postal union workers that hundreds of high speed postal machines have been placed out of service, workers transferred, drop off mail boxes being removed and announcements  by the Postal department that the Postal Service will not have the ability to process voting mail in ballots timely during the November elections.  The department is short on  cash and Trump is trying to hold those funds up as leverage for him in the talks with democrats over the stimulus relief package for the virus pandemic, something unrelated to the Postal Service.

Trump, as the President has betrayed his constitutional duty to make sure the country's institutions, in this case, the Postal Service is operating with the capacity and funds necessary to carry out its responsibility to act according to its mandates and especially when it comes to the Postal Service's responsibility during the democratic process of free and open elections.

America's mentally unfit President will stoop as low as possible to rig the election in his favor and has no capacity to honor any constitutional process or  the rule of law.  The Presidential election in November really does matter this time around because the rule of law is under attack by the most corrupted and traitorous person in our life time.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio