Saturday, July 30, 2016

The Democratic National Convention Was America

The delegates, the speakers and all who attended the Democratic convention were representative of what America is all about.  It was an orderly convention with minor distractions, very short speeches with a few exceptions and mostly all moved along well and timely.  There were lots of tears, smiles and celebrating and the pre-convention talk by the news media of major protest never took place.

The speakers were from all facets of American life; the clergy, law enforcement officials, elected officials and former elected officials, teachers, first responders, family members of Dallas police officers who were recently killed, family members of civilians who were killed, the military, former director of the CIA, republican women and independents who support Hillary, black, white, hispanics asians and muslim, disadvantage people who told their stories and many, many others.

President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden were there to lend their support to Clinton as was former Mayor of New York Michael Bloomberg and California governor Jerry Brown.  People that were helped by Clinton over the years told their stories and Bill Clinton revealed how Hillary worked with and helped the disadvantaged and others who faced hard times.  Thursday nights closing was Hillary Clinton's night and she delivered.  Her closing was about unity, bringing people together, inclusion and a vision of moving the country and its people forward.  It was a positive closing message and a positive convention.

It was a great week for Hillary and the democratic party in Philadelphia and it was an American week.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio