Saturday, February 6, 2016

Thursday's Night Democratic Presidential Debate

The MSNBC network moderated debate was a good one because of the two candidates, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders who are experienced in political matters.  The moderators did move the debate along without any major problems.  The people of New Hampshire ended up the winner and should have learned first hand just how committed the two candidates are.

This writer thought the one area of failure was too much time spent on the wall street banks and money in politics.  I say that because the moderators failed to really probe those issues.  The wall street banks monopoly and political contributions are two sides of the same coin and are Bernie Sander's signature lead in story.  So is the Supreme Courts decision in Citizens United that said Corporations are PEOPLE and can spend unlimited amounts of money on campaigns.

Everyone knows the economical and political power the wall street banks possess and how corrupt campaign contributions are and that politicians lack the character or courage to do any thing about it.  The news media just winks at the problem because they make millions of dollars off campaign ads.  So any time an elected official brings up the problem as Sanders did in the debate  the moderators should have put the following questions to Sanders. (Note:  the same would apply to any elected official.  Sanders just happened to be the one there at the debate to bring the subject up.)

A)     Senator Sanders, you have served in congress over 20 years.  Have you ever introduced a measure before congress urging the President or congress to break up the wall street banks?  If so when and if not why not?

B)    Senator Sanders, since the Supreme Court ruled Corporations are PEOPLE have you ever introduced a measure before congress to eliminate all the tax loop holes and special tax breaks corporations receive since the Court said they are PEOPLE?  Since they are PEOPLE treat them like PEOPLEand eliminate all the tax loop holes and special tax treatment.

This writer is of the opinion the Supreme Court opened the door for congress to use the decision to treat Corporations as PEOPLE and there fore eliminate all the goodies they receive.  Treat them like all other PEOPLE and it will automatically produce campaign finance reform and cost the government zero to enforce.  Take away the corporate welfare and they will not be so willing to contribute to political campaigns.  In other words stop trying to change the courts decision concerning Citizens United and use the courts ruling against them.

Thursday nights debate and the previous democratic debates tell this writer Hillary Clinton is the best qualified candidate.  Her answers are the most complete and knowledgeable.  On issues out side the wall street banks and campaign contributions, Sanders seems to be less informed on the issues and also less knowledgeable.

Time will tell if the Senators campaign approach will be enough to win the democratic nomination.  It is starting to wear thin on this writer because too many important issues are being shoved aside and not even talked about.  The debates ( REPUBLICANS AND DEMOCRATS) also present a problem by having network journalists moderate them.  Journalists do not represent the interest of the average citizen at the debates.  And that is where the problem starts.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio