Thursday, February 6, 2020

Nancy Pelosi: Best AT Being A Woman Than Trump and The Republicans Are At Being Men

Democratic Speaker of the U.S. House Nancy Pelosi is so far above Trump and his ditto head republicans in congress in leadership, performance, character and courage they have been rendered a bunch of cry babies who only have political rhetoric and personal attacks on their resumes.  And those ditto head republicans who represent Louisiana in congress are a sorry lot who like Trump place their personal gain ahead of the good of the people and the country.

Some Louisiana republicans were miffed and launched personal attacks against Pelosi for tearing apart Trump's state of the union speech after it was delivered.  But as Pelosi noted rightly so, the speech was a manifesto of mistruths.  She also said later that she prays for Trump because he is off the rails.  Pelosi has an articulate way of having her comments understood by the people concerning Trump and the republicans in congress  corruptive attitude and they can not deal with it.  They are both frustrated because they are incapable of intimidating Nancy Pelosi like they try to do other women.

Pelosi will not back down to Trump and his republican clowns and cowards.  And Louisiana's republicans in congress will continue their regressive do nothing attitude and wallow in Trump's dirt filled world.  So keep up the pressure Nancy and keep working for the American people, the country and the rule of Law.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio