Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Calling Out Daily Kos

I just made a now rare visit over to the Daily Kos website only to find the radicalization of the site bordering on un-American.  Whether you agree or disagree with the author of this user's post (named Red Wolverine), he was instantly censored and troll rated for posting a YouTube video that was apparently in opposition to Sen. Barack Obama.

Again, I'm not saying whether or not I agree with the content of the video since I didn't get a chance to see it due to the Obama-biased moderators deleting it.  What I am saying is that it is completely wrong for someone to be censored and their words and thoughts edited just because their opinions might be unpopular.  

This has become an disturbing issue that is growing on some blogs which heavily support Obama.  Anyone who disagrees with them, or posts something controversial, is censored, verbally attacked, and told never to come back to the site again. Many people with whom I do not agree post comments here at POLITIDOSE, however, I don't go around and delete their remarks simply because I disagree with them.  This is America.  Regardless of which candidate we support, we must be willing to have a serious, honest discussion about the candidates and what is at stake in this election.  This can not happen, however, if we shut everyone up who we disagree with.  

For those reasons, I am calling on Daily Kos and like websites to respect others' views and allow them to be respectfully discussed.  Those were the ideals that America was founded on and they must be allowed to continue.

For those wishing to see the censoring and bashing of the post to which I refer, click the following link: