Thursday, October 19, 2017

President Obama's Legacy On The National Debt

In past PolitiDose commentary this writer explains with numbers complied by the Congressional Budget Office to show how democratic administrations have done a much better job for the country and its people concerning the economy, job creation, reducing deficit spending, balancing the federal budget and smaller increases in the national debt compared to republican administrations.  And it does not stop there.

Beginning with the Reagan administration was the attitude that conservatives were better at achieving all of the above but the simple facts tell a very different story.  The latest story on the national debt shows that President Obama's last fiscal year ended on 9/30/17 and on that date the national debt stood at $20.2 trillion.  That was a 70% increase in the national debt since George W. Bush's last fiscal year which ended 9/30/09.  The national debt under President George W. Bush increased 105% in his eight fiscal years, 35% higher than Obama's eight fiscal years.

The national debt in Reagan's eight fiscal years increased 186% and in Bill Clinton's eight fiscal years increased 31%.  In George H.W. Bush's four fiscal years it increased 54%.   The myth of those republican Presidents being conservative and best at fiscal matters is just that, pure myth.  And when one realizes the fiscal and economic mess President Obama inherited that none of those republicans had to deal with, Obama's accomplishments should end once and for all the myth of conservatism.  Talk is cheap and the republican talk is the cheapest.

And the myth was exposed long ago here in PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary while the news media was given credibility to the republican pronouncements.  Even they forgot to check the facts.  A more definitive report on the national debt can be found in a previous commentary dated 12/6/09 titled, The National Debt:  Betrayal and Devastation.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio