Saturday, August 27, 2016

Part I The 2016 Presidential Election: Hillary Clinton, The Steady Presidential Candidate.

Hillary Clinton has been the steady Presidential candidate and nominee through out the process since the race began.  There were distractions along the way, some continue at the present time and some will continue simply because she is Hillary Clinton.  But she has never strayed from her message of public service or her policy plans if she is elected.

There are those who complain that she does not expose herself to the media very much and there fore afraid to answer questions.  Trump even complained about that but he said nothing about the media's love affair with their constant coverage of the Donald.  Clinton is doing the right thing by taking her campaign to the people and speaking to the issues.  She has been steady as she goes and not prone to the flip-flops of Trump.

The people are the winners because they know where Hillary stands on the issues and that she has the political understanding to be President and Commander in Chief.  The latest distraction is the Clinton's Foundation where Trump has tried to make the case that Clinton was playing favorite with some who gave contributions to the Foundation while she was Secretary of State.  The State Department shot back that there was no such evidence.  It will surely come up in the debates but in the end the people will find that Hillary has more credibility than Trump on every issue.

This week is a good example.  Trump has stumbled all week on his immigration plans and his changes have already been changed.  Its so bad his supporters are making up excuses trying to show there is no change at all.  Yes Hillary Clinton is still the most steady Presidential nominee on the issues and her campaign to the American people and the country and should continue because it is the right thing to do.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio