Saturday, February 6, 2010

U.S. Senator Mary Landrieu Did Her State and Country Proud

Louisiana's Senator Mary Landrieu stood proud and strong on the Senate floor Feb. 4 and defended her actions in adding $300 million to health care reform legislation passed by the U.S. Senate. The move was to plug a hole in Louisiana's Medicaid program that Louisiana Governor Jindal sought the change for. In her speech, Senator Landrieu questioned the political courage of Jindal who did not stand up for her when the going got tough.

Jindal wants it both ways, he wants the Louisiana delegation to solve the Medicaid problem but opposed the health care bill with or without the measure. He has no guts to solve Louisiana's own problem, he may have to make a decision to do that but wants other people to make the decision and catch the heat. This writer has in the past couple of months made commentaries about Jindal's lack of courage as a leader, especially on Louisiana's budget problems. It was posted first here on politidose.

Senator Landrieu showed her leadership as a Senator and representative for Louisiana and said after her speech, as reported, that she would stay at her front row desk on the Senate floor till 6pm to hear from any republican Senators who wanted to confront her. I have not heard yet of any takers. The republicans and their hatchet men, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity have been reduced in size by this Louisiana gal concerning the subject matter.

Keep up the good work and the pressure Mary. Hopefully other democrats will step up to the plate as you did and give the republicans hell.

Cal Thomas: Another "Ditto Head" Journalist

The Cal Thomas editorial titled, "Obama's Q and A With The GOP" shows how uninformed conservatives are with the words, progressive, the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. Thomas has the ditto head mentality of republican conservatives who try to offer talking points about democrats that are devoid of truth and reality and offer nothing more than the standard ideology of hoping any thing they say about democrats stick. The same Karl Rove mentality of believing if the same lie is repeated over and over the people will accept it as the truth.

Thomas is still pushing across the board tax cuts to spur economic growth. George Bush tried that old worn out trickle down economics that resulted in a failed economy and the worst job creation since Herbert Hoover. Thomas and his conservative brothers still think of themselves as elite who know everything and want complete control of people's lives. His comment about Warren Buffett shows he has no clue of what President Obama was talking about. Thomas does not think the wealthy has any responsibilities at all.

If one puts the various editorials side by side that are written or broadcasts by conservative journalists over a period of time a picture is drawn that is really pitiful. It would show the same talking points over and over with no journalistic distinction for the sole purpose to discredit democrats. It reminds me of office break ins where evidence is tried to be obtained when there is no evidence at all except in the warped ideology of conservatives. In other words, create the illusion like Saddam being involved in the tragic attack of 9-11.

President Obama needs to remain strong like President Truman was in dealing with republicans. Their failed policies and ideology should not be allowed to repeat it self any time soon.

The President's Budget

President Obama introduced the nation's federal budget for fiscal 2010/2011 that begins October 1 and projects a deficit of $1.27 trillion. Those numbers are unacceptable to Mr. Obama and should be. He does understand the problem and is willing to admit to it and plans to do something about it. The big problem is the country can not overcome 20 years of deficit spending and debt in a short time and put the governments house back in fiscal order like it was on the watch of Bill Clinton.

The President in his budget eliminates the roughly $37 billion in tax breaks for the oil and gas industry and rightly so. That industry has been getting tax breaks for over 40 years, has not produced one extra barrel of oil or made the country less dependent on foreign oil. In fact the U.S. import of oil has been at its highest level according to oil man Boone Pickens. One should also remember Mr. Pickens said gasoline should be $4.00 gallon.

The budget says $1.12 trillion of income will come from individual income taxes. That is more than 43%. Corporate income taxes will only contribute $270 billion in income. Once again corporate America gets a free ride because of all their tax breaks and exemptions. The budget will also let the Bush era tax cuts for families and corporations earning more than $250,00.00 expire. A three year freeze on some expenses is also in the budget. It is ironic that corporate America gives out bonuses to its executives that almost equal their tax burden. Which means the $270 billion that they pay in corporate taxes is not a burden at all. The individual income tax numbers in the budget explains in simple terms how wealth has be transferred from the average citizen to the wealthy.

The reason the country did so well during the Clinton administration was the many tax breaks given to individuals and families that allowed them to have some extra money to spend which propelled the economy. Tax breaks to corporate America does nothing to encourage the people to spend money and in fact is a reason why corporate bonuses are so out of line. The democratic party needs to push hard and pass the Presidents budget and keep the country on track to reverse the deficit spending of the past. There are other proposals in the budget that will help put America to work that will go a long way in reducing future deficits.