Paul Krugman, the noted Political Science Professor and Economist in a Times Picayune opinion column of 11/4/15 titled, "Economy has performed better under Democrat Presidents - but why" follows what Hillary Clinton said during the first democratic Presidential debate. Krugman quotes a paper by economists Alan Blinder and Mark Watson comparing economic performance by democratic and republican Presidents since 1947.
Their findings were: Under democratic Presidents the economy grew 4.35% per year and under republican Presidents it grew 2.54%. Over the whole period the economy was in recession for 49 quarters and democrats held the White House during only 8 of those quarters. Democrats also performed better on oil prices and technological progress. Krugman asked why is the democratic record much better and answered, "we don't know."
But the answer can be found here in "PolitiDose" in a three part commentary plus recap titled, The U. S. Economy: Which Party Performs Best dated 1/27/2008 seven years prior to Hillary's comment and Krugman's article. The three part series explains why and lays it all out and goes much further and shows how democrats also control deficit spending and the national debt better than republicans, something Krugman never touched upon.
Yes, the economy indeed does better on the democratic watch, so does balanced budgets, controlling federal spending, deficit spending and the national debt. Job creation is a democratic thing where republicans trail badly. For related article on this commentary see Note 1 below.
And once again you read it here first in "PolitiDose" your daily dose of political commentary.
Note 1: Job Creation for Presidential Terms 1929-2008 dated 11/5/2010
The National Debt: Betrayal and Devastation dated 11/6/2009
Federal Spending: Facts vs. Myth dated 10/31/2009
The Republican Trademark: High Oil and Gas Prices dated 5/16/2008
This commentary written by Joe Lorio