Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Republican Controlled U.S. House: A New Congress But The Same Conservative Anti-American Ideology

Wednesday, the U.S. House voted to repeal Health Care Legislation that was passed into law last year. All republicans voted to repeal, all but three democrats voted no. A typical republican vote on an issue that divided the people last year but had less support for repeal at the time of the vote according to all the most recent polls. The fact that the republicans took up the issue proved once again they care nothing about the country and its people.

The U.S. Senate nor the President will let the republican vote stand and rightly so. Conservatives once again in a new congress raised it ugly head and showed that they will do any thing to destroy the Presidents agenda and legislation that will move the economy forward, reduce the deficit and create jobs. They are not satisfied that their support of Bush's policies gave the country the worst economic meltdown and record job losses, they now use a new congress and their new majority to carry out the republican status quo.

That the republicans picked out a divisive issue as one of their first priority is not strange or new. They will continue to choose divisive issues as their game plan because they have no record of accomplishments to stand on or debate. President Clinton often remarked the republicans could only win elections by dividing the people. Clintons wisdom on the subject has proved to be the truth time and time again.

The second issue they are talking about now is to not extend the debt ceiling that is due soon unless the President agrees to budget cuts to offset the debt ceiling increase. When they controlled both houses of congress under the Bush administration for the first 6 years they had a chance to cut spending when they raised the debt ceiling several times and never did. In fact they gave the country record federal deficits and debt.

The republicans ran on an anti government platform in November and won even though they are part of the government. The voters seem to be satisfied that the republicans never had any answers for the problems the country faced. Now the voters will have to live with their vote for the next two years. The country and its people are lucky to have a democratic President in office at this time in our history.

The economy is once again responding to a democratic President's policies, jobs are being created again, unemployment will continue to fall and the middle class will once again see their hopes of a middle class recovery come true. And once again the republican party will have no hand in the recovery. They are repeating their failed past when they voted against President Clinton's deficit reduction and economic policies in 1993 that was passed by the democratic controlled congress without one republican vote in either house of congress. They predicted doom and gloom for the economy. Does that sound familiar now?

The people should also be ready for the republicans to once again use personal attacks as their method of operation. As this writer pointed out in the past, it is hell when you have no record to run on or talk about and worse when you use a phony conservative ideology. That says it all.