Friday, August 30, 2019

Congratulations To The Little League Baseball World Series Champions

What a delightful credit to Louisiana, the U.S. and the world for a class act of sportsmanship.  Thirteen young boys, their coaches, fans and their actions on and off the field of play demonstrated why "Baseball" is still the "National Pastime."  The East Bank team also represented America the Beautiful at a time of need and the inspiration to excel.

The little leaguers enjoyed the competition, had the look of confidence, were calm and smiled a lot.  Their performance was a bar to follow and to be looked up to by all little leaguers and all in the sports world.  The attitude of the team and the tournament itself united all who followed the games and made all the things that divide the country seem so self inflicted.

The coaches of all the teams deserve our respect.  They take time off and volunteer their services to teach these young boys about life, sports, how to get along and compete.  Their supervision and teaching at a time in the players young life is so valuable to their future.  And what we witnessed in the world series can touch the younger generation in other areas of life that will help mold the future leaders of America the Beautiful.

So to the East Bank Little League Baseball World Champions, thanks for the memories, what your play taught us and your contribution to the future of sports.  All of you are very deserving World Champions and you earned it.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

President Trump: A Traitor Still Occupy's The White House

President Trump went to France to attend the G-7 annual conference and was once again a lost isolated soul who skipped out on more than one meeting and the world's leader failed to lead.  But the trumpet man did find time to be Russia's Putin spoke person and agent and declared once again that Russia should be allowed back in the G-7 group.  He then played the blame game and blamed President Obama for the groups ouster of Russia

Trump then took it to the next level of betrayal and once again displayed he was autocrat Putin's proxy by saying he would invite Putin to the U.S. next year when the G-7 has its conference in the United States.  President Trump continues to betray our allies and America by paying more attention to autocratic rule than democracy.  And he invites Putin to America next year close to the 2020 Presidential election which the FBI recently said Russia is committed to interrupt.

Thirty one months in office and Trump is still in bed with Russia and Putin.  It is an indication that Putin does have something on Trump and the trumpet man wants it to remain secret.  Every day it is a new traitorous act by the President and his willingness to work with Russia during the 2016 Presidential election to seek dirt on an opponent is evident of his traitorous attitude.  Any public disagreement between the U.S. and Russia is only a side show on Trump's watch to cover up what really is going on between them.

Trump's sad performance at the G-7 and his failure to lead weakens that alliance and what it could accomplish for the greater good.  The global economy and other issues that affect the world needed to be addressed and the leader of the free world was there in body only.  The mind and the spirit was on Trump's ego which magnifies his lack of mental capacity.  Another major event and another reason why Trump is unfit to be President.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

The U.S. Economy and Jobs: A Disappointment, A Warning or Both?

Now comes a story by the Associated Press that the U.S. Labor Department announced last Wednesday "the U.S. job market isn't quite as strong as originally believed because of revised figures that show the economy had 501,000 fewer total jobs this March than originally reported."  The largest decline came from the retail, leisure and hospitality sectors, the industries most associated with consumer spending.

The down turn was the sharpest downward revision in job totals since the great recession of 2009 when the economy was just starting to turn around the Department reported, and that it suggest job growth was slowing.  The report comes at a time President Trump was talking about a payroll tax cut to ward off a recession, then changed his mind and said a recession is no where in sight and backed away from his tax cuts.  Then he told his cabinet he did not want to hear the word recession mentioned.

The readers of PolitiDose already knew that the job market under Trump in his first 31 month in office was already much slower than what it was in President Obama's last 31 months in office.  There is another element found in the Department's report that is worth repeating.  That is the Trump-GOP trickle down economic tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy are not economic policy, does not create more jobs or a stronger economy and increases the federal deficit dramatically.  The sad story is old and goes back to the years of the Reagan and Bush 43 administration's tax cuts.

What is taking place on Trump's watch was predictable.  The numbers were always there to guide the informed as well as the un-informed willing to listen.  Economic policy and plans are not a part of the Trump or the republican party's ideology and that is why democratic administrations consistently out perform republican administrations.

Note"  See PolitiDose's three part series titled, "The U.S. Economy:  Which Party Performs Best?  dated 1/27/2008  And "Recap and Conclusions"  dated 3/2/2008.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Abortion: The Republicans, Conservatives, The Anti Abortion Groups and The Johnny Come Lately President Donald Trump

It was a conservative Supreme Court in Roe vs. Wade in 1973 by a majority vote of 7-2 that legalized abortion in America.  Six of the nine judges were appointed by republican President's Richard Nixon and Dwight Eisenhower.  Three were appointed by democratic President's Lyndon Johnson and John F. Kennedy and Franklin Roosevelt.  Five of the seven judges that voted in favor were appointed by Nixon and Eisenhower.  Of the two that voted against, one was appointed by Kennedy and one was appointed by Nixon.  So why is it that the democratic party has been made the scape goat of being pro abortion when two republican Presidents made their choices and appointed conservative judges in a great majority.

The answer can be found in the era of "then" and the era of "now" and how the republican party and so called conservatism has changed since the "new" Newt Gingrich era started in the early 1990's.  Prior to that time, the "then" era of republican conservatism, Supreme Court judges were not appointed to make political decisions.  But because of the constitution, the laws and the facts of the case they were expected to make the proper decisions.  It was obvious from the very beginning that the Roe vs. Wade decision was based on the facts presented, the law and not by a political consideration.

The Newt Gingrich era changed all that because Newt hated the fact that the democratic party controlled the U.S. House for such a long period of time.  So he set out to discredit the democratic party with lies, personal attacks, blame, division and used wedge issues like abortion and religion in his desire to divide the country.  His party followed in his foot steps and vowed to support and appoint conservatives to the federal bench who would support Newt and the republicans extreme political ideology in their court decisions instead of following the law.

They blamed the democratic party as being pro abortion because the democratic party had a higher standing of supporting judges and especially those to the U.S. Supreme Court.  The republican ideology became so bad Mitch McConnell refused to give President Obama's nomination to the Supreme Court a hearing.  And of course president Trump has taken it to a new high and has appointed two new Supreme Court judges who he expects to make political decisions that favor the republican extreme ideology.  Trump also likes to attack judges that rule according to the law and the facts.

The democratic party has the high ground on the abortion issue while the republicans position is that of a coward and the reasons were given in a previous commentary in PolitiDose.  Democrats understand the slippery slope that takes place when judges make decisions based on politics and ideology.  The "now" era of republican conservatism hates the "then" era of republican conservatism and it is being played out on a daily basis.  

Roe vs. Wade was decided over 40 years ago.  It is time the people move on and reject the issue as a political football to divide the country.  The cowards could learn a thing or two from the "then" era of republican conservatism.  One should also note that the cowards never mention it was a republican appointed conservative Supreme Court majority that decided Roe vs. Wade and made abortion legal in the United States.   And that really says it all.

Note:  The following Supreme Court Judges voted in the decision and were appointed by the following Presidents.

Voting Yes were Judges Harry Blackmun,  appointed by Nixon; William Douglas appointed by Franklin Roosevelt;  Warren Burger appointed by Nixon; William Brennan appointed by Eisenhower; Potter Stewart appointed by Eisenhower; Thurgood Marshall appointed by Lyndon Johnson; Lewis Powell appointed by Nixon.

Voting No were Judges Byron White appointed by John Kennedy and William Rehnquist appointed by Nixon.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

What Will The 2019 Football Season Bring For LSU and The Saints?

Hopes are high for LSU fans who think this year will be a huge break out.  But this writer is a little more cautious because of the disappointments the last several years that showed little improvement, an offense still not tuned to the current times and a coaching staff yet to prove they can do better than Les Miles.

Even though I have been a LSU fan for over 50 years, my attitude is wait and see and don't become too excited yet.  The last several years tells us that so called "talent" by itself does not win the important games.

As for the Saints, forget about last year because it has no bearing on this season.  Some are talking already about the Saints - LA Rams game being a revenge game because of what took place in last years season ending game for the Saints.  Don't be fooled, the Saints could win 100- zip and it would not change a thing for blowing last years lead with less than 90 seconds left in the games regular time.  It was not the so called non-call that lost the game but the Saints inability to hold the lead in regulation play and then Brees interception in overtime that allowed the Rams to kick the winning field goal.

To put things in perspective, the Saints have to go to the Super Bowl this year to have a better season that last year.  And the Saints have not had a consistent winning seasons record.  So my advise is to ignore all the hype about how much the Saints have improved since last year because that can only take place and be judged when the regular season starts.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Monday, August 19, 2019

Another First For PolitiDose: Wealth Continues To Be Transfered From The Middle Class To The Wealthy

It was long ago when PolitiDose said in commentary how wealth was being transferred from the middle class to the wealthy and recently how productivity has grown dramatically in the last 40 plus years with most benefits flowing to corporate CEO's and their executives and very little to the average worker who make that productivity possible.  Now comes a report by The Economic Policy Institute (EPI) that sheds new light on the subject that is so easy to understand because it deals with numbers that are easily understood.  The report states the following by Kate Gibson and carried on the internet.

The chasm between what the country's corporate leaders and their workers earn is widening to Grand Canyon-like proportions, according to new research that shows CEO compensation surged 940% between 1978 and 2018, while the average worker saw a meager 12% pay hike over the same 40 year period.  CEO'S are getting more because of their power to set pay, not because they are increasing productivity or possess specific high demand skills says Lawrence Mishel and research assistant Julia Wolfe with EPI.  Depending on how it is calculated, the average pay of CEO'S at the 350 biggest U.S. companies last year came to $17.2 million."

Other factors that have driven income inequality in recent years are failure to raise the federal minimum wage, eroding union membership and globalization, all of which reflect shifts in economic policy in ways that favor big corporations and the rich, Mishel said.  CEO of King Broadcasting said excessive CEO pay is the result of a rigged system that creates the wrong incentives for top executives and at the same time terrible for company morale.

In a earlier report in PolitiDose it was pointed out that of the 12% pay hike for the average worker in that 40 year period, the majority of that increase took place during the Clinton economy.  That 40 year period also covers the tax cuts of Presidents Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush and Donald Trump, all republicans and should put a nail in the coffin of those tax cuts being needed for Corporations to be competitive and profitable.  The average voter fell for that tax scheme three times and unfortunately the regular news media never correct the republicans when they make their false claims about tax cuts for those who need them the least.

The evidence has been there all along as to what Corporate America and the wealthy use those tax cuts for, stock buy backs and etc., not investment in plant and equipment nor for increase in wages for their average workers.  A healthy part of the 940% increase should have been shared with the average working employee but greed rules the day.  The inequality of 940% vs. 12% is more than just obscene, it is a moral stain on the business community and how they treat their workers.

The report also  makes it clear, Corporations did not need the Reagan, Bush and Trump tax cut schemes to be viable and profitable.  Nor did they need less regulation and weakened environmental standards to be successful.  Those three republican Presidents sold the people a fairy tale and the regular news media failed to tell the real story.  And fresh on our mind should be the Trump-GOP tax cuts that have been used by Corporations and the wealthy to buy back their own stock, running up the price artificially and the vicious cycle continues to grow in 2019.

Yes my fellow American, the readers of PolitiDose were told in commentary long ago about the transfer of this wealth from the average worker to corporate America and the wealthy and why it was predictable.  The facts are there for those who want to listen and learn so stay tuned to PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio  

Sunday, August 18, 2019

President Trump Caves In To China Once Again Then Passes The Buck and Blames the Fedeeral Reserve Bank For The Stock Market Reaction

The trumpet man announced new tariffs on China to become effective September 1 and the chain reaction started.  China hit back by cancelling its purchase of American farmer's products that it previously committed to buy, devalued its currency and sent shock waves through the stock market with an 800 point drop.  Trump's advisers made it be known to him now was not the time to raise more tariffs with the holiday season looming and China's power to devalue their currency and the weak world wide economic situation.

So after all of Trump's threats to China the President caved once again and postponed the tariffs until later in the year and then once again was trying to set up another meeting with China's leader Xi Jinping to discuss the trade war Trump himself started.  It is the second time Trump went begging for another meeting with Xi and was a reminder how foolish Trump was when he said America holds the best hand on his trade war.  The other and more obvious problem is Trump has no trade policy or plans, just his ego driven self rule.  His close advisors do not even know what he will do next because a strategy is lacking.  That is why China is winning the trade war.  The trumpet man lit the match and only one thing is certain, China has already won.

The economy is on the edge because of Trump's lack of planning and foolish decisions.  And when the stock market dropped 800 points this past week he played the blame game again and blamed it on the policies of the Federal Reserve Chairman, Jerome Powell whom Trump appointed to the position and at the time said what a great job Powell would do for the Federal Reserve.  The buck never stops with the trumpet man and a record number of people he appointed have left the administration.

And now there are reports that people in the administration say Trump is so aware of a possible recession, he does not even want to hear the word mentioned with his re-election campaign in full swing.  How much more can the country take of this President's mental decline?

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Friday, August 16, 2019

Rich Lowry: Another Republican Trump Ditto Head and His Fake News

In a New Orleans Advocate opinion column of 8/14/19 titled, "Mass murder used against Trump policy" represents the usual sad reporting by a conservative republican journalist who tries to tell the public Donald Trump has an immigration agenda and policy.  For  those who read PolitiDose it is known that neither Trump nor his party have an immigration policy.  They have not introduced one immigration plan in congress to be debated and or voted on since Trump took office or even before.  And Mitch McConnell, republican majority leader in the U.S. Senate has already gone on record as saying he does not know what Trump's policy is on immigration.

The fact all we hear from Trump and his party is rhetoric and no action except a few Trump executive orders, most of which have been overturned by the courts.  And Trump's order to separate children from their parents at the border are still under a court order to reunite the families.  Trump, like his party govern by ideology, not plans or policy.  Lowry, like Trump, try to blame democrats for every thing negative that takes place on the republican watch.  Lowry can't believe the polls show that Trump's personal attacks, his racism statements, support of white nationalist give support to violence such as mass shootings.

And of course, Lowry the ditto head in his column repeats the false statement that the democratic party supports open borders.  But just to bring Lowry up to date this writer would remind him that the democratic controlled U.S. Senate in 2013 passed immigration reform by a vote of 62-38 with 14 republicans voting with all democrats to pass the bill.  That was the most comprehensive immigration bill to pass and included $30 billion extra to beef up border security, with advance surveillance, doubled the Border Patrol agents and 700 miles of border wall.  And Lowry knows the republican controlled U.S. House at the time would not even take up the bill for debate and let it die because republicans do not favor immigration reform.  They just want the rhetoric.

So as of this writing, the democrats have a position on immigration reform and in policy form that was debated, passed and did not include open borders  All the republicans have is their failed rhetoric and no action.  They care more about dividing the country on the issue.  Ditto head opinion writers like Rich Lowry will continue to hide behind the republicans failure to govern and blame democrats for the republicans failed leadership.  Its really not new to those who follow politics and are not afraid of the facts.  So stay tuned to PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary.

Note:  Rich Lowry also wrote an opinion column dated 8/16/19 titled, "It pays to be a connected sexual predator" which was about Jeffrey Epstein.  However, the article sounded like he was talking about President Trump

Note:  Coming soon:  Abortion, and why it is a republican strangle hold around their necks.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio


The Abortion Issue In Louisiana

In a New Orleans Advocate article of 8/14/19 by Elizabeth Crisp, a Washington correspondent reported that a quarter of Louisiana residents polled by the nonpartisan Public Religion Research Institute say they oppose abortion, even in cases of rape and incest a rate higher than any other state in the poll.  Those numbers are not surprising to this writer and tell the story why the republicans who have been attacking the abortion decision Roe vs. Wade for the past 40 plus years are cowards on the issue.

The cowards know the only way to change the supreme court's decision is by a constitutional amendment but do not have the courage or character to campaign on the issue because enough states would vote against such amendment.  So they try the cowards way out by states passing their own anti abortion laws that get thrown out by the federal district courts.

Louisiana has its own cowards who recently passed anti abortion legislation and tried to escape responsibility by making it effective only if Mississippi's similar law is upheld by the court.  The little baby legislature needed a crutch to lean on, they could not stand up on the issue alone like a man.  Those elected officials who are afraid of a constitutional amendment are fearful for one big reason.  A constitutional amendment is decided by the popular vote, and cowards hate the popular vote.  And we know the big coward, President Trump still hates the fact that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote in the 2016 Presidential election.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Monday, August 12, 2019

Louisiana's Democratic Party Is Better Off Than Tyler Bridges Opinion Column Would Have You Believe

Bridges column in the New Orleans Advocate of 8/11/19 titled, "Edwards only bright spot for Louisiana Democrats" represents the usual republic ditto head talking points in an attempt to paint the democratic party as a party on the decline in Louisiana.  Bridges cited the fact that there are few democrats running for state wide office in 2019 and numbers showing democratic voters are declining.  But he said at present 43% of voters are democrats, 31% are republicans and 26,5% are independents.

So what is the point of his column?  Bridges quotes consultant Chris Cardona as saying the reason the democratic party declined during Edwards term in office are the main culture issues of God, Guns and Abortion, trying to link same with the national democratic party.  But Edwards beat the so called God, guns and abortion candidate republican David Vitter, the former U.S. Senator from Louisiana because its a phony slogan and catch all that republicans have used for years.  Any republican/conservative who believes republicans are on the right side of those issues do not follow the facts.  It is true, many Louisiana voters will believe anything they hear, that is why the country and Louisiana does not do well on the republican watch  But the case can be made that when it comes to God, guns and abortion, democrats hold the moral high ground and its all been explained in PolitiDose past commentary.

Those who preach Louisiana is a republican state but governed by a democratic governor with a republican controlled state legislature are tell tale signs of a weak republican party and rightly so because they have no record to run on.  The people did not elect Edwards because of cultural issues, they elected him bedause of the failed policies of Bobby Jindal and his republican controlled legislature.  Edwards had a clear policy plan that the voters understood, while his republican opponent, David Vitter  had the same old republic rhetoric.

The bottom line is that a democratic governor is best for a democratic state or a republican state because they govern by policy plans and ideas and not by a divisive ideology and the politics of blame.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, August 8, 2019

The Democratic Party Acted On Gun Legislation Long Before The Mass Shootings In El Paso and Dayton.

The democratic controlled U.S. House passed legislation in February 2019 for universal background checks on the sale and transfer of firearms.  It was the most sweeping comprehensive gun reform legislation in the last 25 years according to reports.  It was a priority of the democratic party and the legislation took place one month after they won control of the HOUSE from the republican party who controlled the HOUSE the previous 8 years.  Mitch McConnell and his republican controlled U.S. Senate has yet to take up the measure and intended to let it die in his chamber.  They had an opportunity to act long before the shootings in El Paso and Dayton and failed to do so.

Then five months later the mass shootings took place.  Five precious months were lost on an issue of great importance and need simply because the republican party are in lock step with the NRA and the gun lobby.  Trump proved he is in lock step with them also when he anounced he opposed the HOUSE bill when it passed.

Now comes Ohio Governor Mike DeWine who announced after the mass shooting in his city of Dayton he would ask the republican controlled state legislature to approve legislation for background checks on the purchase of firearms.  His republican legislature has already refused such legislation proposed by the democratic party in the past.  And now the big hypocrite President Donald Trump says he supports background check legislation.  Both DeWine and Trump had an opportunity to support such legislation in the U.S. House bill that passed but failed to do so.  Trump also said after the shootings, he opposes a ban on assault type weapons.

The republican party's self proclamation of being the "tough on crime party" is as much fake news as their claim to be "fiscal conservatives."  The Director of the FBI recently testified before congress and stated that the "white nationalist movement" is more of a threat to American security than foreign terrorists.  Too bad Trump and his party are more aligned with the extremist and not with the moral values that helped shape America and made America the land of the free and the home of the brave.

America the Beautiful will triumph over the coward in the White House and his cowardly party in congress.  Their lack of leadership, character and courage comes to the fore when America is challenged by the extremes.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio


Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Dan Fagan, Opinion Writer For The New Orleans Advocate Takes a Cue From Pesident Trump's Fake News

In his opinion column dated 7/28/19 titled, "While national economy booms, La.'s is in the tank" Fagan tries his best to compare apples to oranges in comparing Louisiana's economy to the national economy in order to take a slap at the Edwards administration in an election year.  But Fagan has a serious problem because his numbers are "fake news" emulating Donald Trump.  Fagan makes this statement posted in his article.

THE UNEMPLOYMENT RATE IS DOWN 3.3%, THE LOWEST IN 50 YEARS.  WE'VE NEVER SEEN THE UNEMPLOYMENT RATE STAY THIS LOW, THIS LONG AS IT HAS UNDER TRUMP.  ITS MORNING IN AMERICA AGAIN.  But here are the facts:  The unemployment rate has never been 3.3% under Trump.  The lowest unemployment rate under Trump was 3.6% which took place in April and May of 2019.  In June and July of 2019 it was 3.7%.  The lowest sustained unemployment rate actually took place on the watch of Kennedy-Johnson from November 1967 through January 1969 a total of 15 straight months when it stood in the range of 3.9 to 3.4%.  The unemployment on Trump's watch has been between 3.8 to 3.6% for the last five straight months only in 2019.

Fagan then made the following "fake news" statement:  UNDER TRUMP, THE COUNTRY'S GDP INCREASED 14% WHILE LOUISIANA'S INCREASE HAS BEEN LESS THAN 7%.  Here are the facts:  The country's GDP has not increased 14% under Trump.  The GDP grew 2.4% in 2017 and 2.9% in 2018.  And so far in 2019 it has grew at an annual rate of 2.1% in the second quarter and 3.1% in the first quarter and for the full year the Labor Department projects the full year growth to be between 2.6 and 2.7%.  So as of this writing the country's GDP growth under Trump is 7.9%, a far cry from 14% that Fagan talks about and if the prediction holds true it will be the same 7.9% at the end of the full year in 2019.

Its not morning in America again under Trump, but the state of Louisiana and its people are better off today than they were on the republican watch of Bobby Jindal.  Fake news will run its course in due time and those that care about the truth will never feel ashamed.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

President Trump, Mitch McConnell and The Republican Party: The Enablers of Gun Violence

Two more mass shootings and killings within 24 hours left 31 innocent people dead and more than two dozen wounded in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio this past weekend.  In both shootings it was reported assault type weapons were used.  It was a familiar story played out once again with weapons of war that should not be allowed on the streets of America.

And no one is more implicated with the problem than President Trump, Mitch McConnell and the republican Party who have looked the other way, caved to the NRA and the Gun Lobby on reasonable gun control and who have used the gun violence issue to divide the country with personal attacks of racism, bigotry and an invasion from Mexico fear mongering.  And Trump was at it with his divisive speech Monday concerning the shootings.  Trump said as quoted from reports:  IN ONE VOICE OUR NATION MUST CONDEMN RACISM, BIGOTRY AND WHITE SUPREMACY.  HATRED WARPS THE MIND, RAVAGES THE HEART AND DEVOURS THE SOUL.  But Trump's actions as President cannot and does not walk the talk.

Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and his party has refused to take up or pass any meaningful legislation to bring common sense to the gun problem in the U.S.  Time after time they have refused to advance any democratic proposal  on the subject matter.  And in February the democratic controlled U.S. House passed the most sweeping Universal Gun Background Check legislation in the past 25 years.  It requires federal background checks for all firearms sales and transfers, including those sold online or at gun shows.  The bill passed on a 240 - 190 vote along party lines.  Mitch McConnell has yet to take up the bill for Senate debate and a vote and the President said he would veto the bill if passed in the Senate.  After the two shootings democratic Senator Chuck Schumer and Republican Representative Peter King urged McConnell to take up the democratic passed bill ASAP.

The assault weapons ban during the Clinton administration should be in-acted once again because it worked.  It was the George W. Bush administration that let it expire.  Trump and his party hate the progress and success of the democratic party in governing and accomplishing those things that really matter and make a difference for the people and the country.  That is why as a candidate in 2016 Trump blamed mass shootings that took place on President Obama's watch was his fault and that if elected President, he, Donald Trump would put and end to all the mass shootings.

Will Trump, Mitch McConnell and their party begin a serious conversation with the democrats since the El Paso and Dayton shootings.  Will they show any feelings for the victim's families and finally face the problems?  Or will they allow Trump and themselves to be toxic to what ever they touch.  In the mean time the democratic party will continue to speak out and act in the U.S. House where they have control.  It is also worthwhile  to mention once again the clichés of the republicans, the gun lobby and the NRA when they repeat, "guns don't kill people, people kill people.  The comic strip Beetle Bailey brought common sense to the issue when he asked Sarge, "If guns don't kill people how come we take guns to war."  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, August 4, 2019

The U.S. Economy, Job Creation and Unemployment for July 2019

The Labor Department reported the economy created 164,000  jobs in July, less than the forecast and down from June's numbers.  Unemployment remained the same at 3.7%.  The pundits were looking for a large rally in the stock market since the federal reserve announced around the same time they lowered the interest rate.  Their prediction was with a reduction in interest rates and a good jobs report the DJIA would start another run.  Instead, the market dropped over 600 points.

Trump's threat of more tariffs on China beginning September 1 was blamed for the slide of the DJIA.  By the way, you will never hear Trump say it and most economist won't admit it but the U.S. is already in a trade war with China.  And China let it be known they will retaliate and place new tariffs on U.S. goods.  So the trade war that Trump started continues on and the American consumer is paying the price.

After 30 months in office under Trump the economy has created 5,595,000 million jobs for a monthly average of 186,500 jobs per month.  In Obama's last 30 months in office the economy created 6,365,000 million jobs for a monthly average of 212,166 jobs per month.  So job creation under Trump in his first 30 months in office has failed to even keep pace with job creation in Obama's last 30 months in office.  And we also know from other reports that May and June's job creation was adjusted down 10,000 and 31,000 jobs under Trump.

Note:  To have a better view of how well Democratic Administrations do with Job Creation and how awful Republican Administrations do see my previous commentary on the subject dated November 5, 2010 titled, Job Creation for Presidential Terms: 1929-2008.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, August 3, 2019

The Politicalization of Sports In America

Sports in America was never a venue.  It was always a cause of action that united people from all walks of life for a common goal of competition, unity and good sportsmanship.  That all changed when President Trump called an NFL football player a SOB because he took a knee during the playing of the national anthem.  Ever since Trump has be critical of sport and players alike with his usual personal attacks.  The domino effect of Trump's unnecessary rhetoric shattered a White House tradition of inviting and honoring teams to the White House to celebrate their accomplishments without being political.  It was America's sportsmanship at its best on display in the people's HOUSE.

Now, a new NFL season is about to begin and the world champion New England Patriots have still not been invited to the White House.  Partially because many of the players said they would not attend because of Trump's personal attacks and treatment of other players.  Trump made sports a political football because some players exercised their constitutional right and took a knee.  Trump made things worse with his most recent rant about the girls U.S. Soccer team.

Sports, a unifying pastime and recognized by past Presidents as such and its positive effect has been replaced by Trump's political divisiveness and his desire to destroy those things that make America great.  It is truly a mark of his cowardly acts, mental unfitness and his unfitness to serve as the President of the United States.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Iran, Another Foreign Policy Albatross Around President Trump's Neck

The trumpet man's immigration albatross has company.  This time its Iran where the President's foreign policy goes from bad to worse.  While the U.S. was participating with its NATO allies with the Iranian nuclear agreement, Iran was only in the news when the right wing extremist tried to scuttle the agreement.  Iran was not threatening shipping in the strait of Hormuz or challenging any ships nor were they shooting down any U.S. drones.  And their rhetoric was not even noticeable.  Plus  chapping the extremist, Iran was in compliance with the agreement.

Then along came the trumpet man, a man with no experience who hated any accomplishment associated with President Obama and withdrew the U.S. from the nuclear agreement, placed sanctions on Iran, rigged up pressure and threatened them for no good reason.  So now Iran has acted by challenging shipping in the Strait and even captured a British tanker after Britain captured one of Iran's tankers.  Now Trump finds himself in a position of begging Britain, France and Germany to protect shipping in the Strait of Hormuz.  Britain actually took the initiative and called on France to help  them escort shipping thru the Strait before Trump said a word.

In fact, Trump is so lost on foreign policy he found himself last week saying he could wipe Iran off the face of the earth.  Iran got his ego when Trump said Iran would be calling him to make a deal and Iran answered and said they would not be intimadated.  Trump probably thought about Mexico when they told Trump under no circumstance would Mexico pay for his wall.  It was a fresh reminder that Trump's so called peace plan between Israel and Palestine put together by Trump's son in law Jarred Kushner and presented by Kushner was soundly rejected by Palestine's leader Abbas who said it was nothing but a Trump real estate deal that offered Palestine billions of dollars and was no peace plan at all.

The President has no credibility on foreign policy with any foreign leader.  And Russia's Putin and N. Korea's Kim Jon Un are still pulling his strings.  They have the strings so tight the trumpet man praises them every time he has a chance.  Yes my fellow Americans, the U.S. has lost its leadership role with President Trump in the White House.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio