Monday, August 12, 2019

Louisiana's Democratic Party Is Better Off Than Tyler Bridges Opinion Column Would Have You Believe

Bridges column in the New Orleans Advocate of 8/11/19 titled, "Edwards only bright spot for Louisiana Democrats" represents the usual republic ditto head talking points in an attempt to paint the democratic party as a party on the decline in Louisiana.  Bridges cited the fact that there are few democrats running for state wide office in 2019 and numbers showing democratic voters are declining.  But he said at present 43% of voters are democrats, 31% are republicans and 26,5% are independents.

So what is the point of his column?  Bridges quotes consultant Chris Cardona as saying the reason the democratic party declined during Edwards term in office are the main culture issues of God, Guns and Abortion, trying to link same with the national democratic party.  But Edwards beat the so called God, guns and abortion candidate republican David Vitter, the former U.S. Senator from Louisiana because its a phony slogan and catch all that republicans have used for years.  Any republican/conservative who believes republicans are on the right side of those issues do not follow the facts.  It is true, many Louisiana voters will believe anything they hear, that is why the country and Louisiana does not do well on the republican watch  But the case can be made that when it comes to God, guns and abortion, democrats hold the moral high ground and its all been explained in PolitiDose past commentary.

Those who preach Louisiana is a republican state but governed by a democratic governor with a republican controlled state legislature are tell tale signs of a weak republican party and rightly so because they have no record to run on.  The people did not elect Edwards because of cultural issues, they elected him bedause of the failed policies of Bobby Jindal and his republican controlled legislature.  Edwards had a clear policy plan that the voters understood, while his republican opponent, David Vitter  had the same old republic rhetoric.

The bottom line is that a democratic governor is best for a democratic state or a republican state because they govern by policy plans and ideas and not by a divisive ideology and the politics of blame.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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