Friday, August 9, 2024

Past PolitiDose Commentary Was A Prelude To President Biden's Recommended Changes To The Supreme Court.

At the time it was written on 8/24/19, PolitiDose commentary was not about Joe Biden and the Supreme Court.  It was about the Supreme Courts make up at a time Roe v. Wade became law in 1973.  The article described the Court in those days as the THEN Supreme Court and the Supreme Court in 2019 as the NOW Supreme Court.  In the days of the THEN Court, the Court had a majority Republican control 7-2 and those conservative judges were TRUE conservatives.  The Republican majority NOW Court claims to be conservative but they are extreme in their rulings.

The make up of the NOW Supreme Court has taken the Court to a new level of extreme since the 2019 commentary.  In three major decisions concerning The Voting Rights Act, Roe v. Wade and Presidential immunity, the NOW court has thrown out precedent and the "stand by the decision" venue that has guided the Courts.  Those three decisions overturned what had been law for decades.  The NOW court has also violated any claim to have an ethic code as a guide like congress and others have ethic codes to follow.  The NOW Courts actions confirm that PolitiDose commentary was accurate.

So now, President Biden has asked Congress to pass reform legislation for the Court, including an ethic code to live by.   It is long over due since the NOW court is out of control.  To refresh one's memory, the make up of the THEN Court when Roe v Wade was decided in 1973 was as follows:  The Court voted 7-2.  Voting yes were:  Judge Harry Blackburn, appointed by Nixon;  William Douglas appointed by Franklin Roosevelt; Warren Burger, appointed by Nixon;  William Brenan, appointed by Dwight Eisenhower;  Potter Stewart, appointed by Dwight Eisenhower;  Thorgood Marshall, appointed by Lyndon Johnson; Lewis Powell, appointed by Nixon.  It was the Republican majority that ruled.

Voting No, was:  Judge Byron White, Appointed by John Kennedy, William Rehnquest, appointed by R. Nixon.  

And PolitiDose commentary was there in 2019, first to address the subject matter long before President Biden did recently.  So stay tuned to PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary.

Note:  The title of the 2019 commentary was:  The Republicans, Conservatives, The Anti-Abortion Groups and the Johnny Come Lately President Donald Trump.