Thursday, March 23, 2023

Opinion Writer Catherine Rampell Has No Idea Why The U.S. Economy Has Been So Strong.

 Rampell, in her opinion column of 3/16 published in the New Orleans Advocat titled, "Why the economy is stronger than expected, again" makes an attempt to "maybe" answer the questions with her own questions that fall flat and speculative.  She says "maybe" something weird has been happening with the numbers and our measurements are off.  

Nothing weird is taking place for those who are familiar with the history of job creation and the economy over the past 100 years.  PolitiDose commentary is familiar and predicted in commentary in December 2020 and early January 2021 in describing how and why President Biden's policies would create jobs and bring the economy out of the Trump/GOP economic recession.  Democratic administrations have a 100 year historical record of job creation and strong economies by a great majority over GOP administrations.  

Jobs are not created during an economic recession, they are actually lost.  And every GOP administration in the past 100 years has given the country an economic recession.  President Clinton's administration created more jobs in just 8 years than Reagan, Bush 41, Bush 43 and Trump's administrations created in the 24 years they served.  Reagan, Bush 43 and Trump cut taxes for you know who that was supposed to create a booming economy and job creation. But President Clinton raised taxes on those same folks, balanced the budget with surpluses, paid down over $400 billion on the national debt, created a record number of jobs and the country enjoyed a great economy.  Under the Reagan administration the unemployment rate stayed over 10% for 10 straight months from September 1982 to June 1983.  It remains the highest sustained unemployment rate in the last 70 plus years.

Historical facts can be used in advanced to project outcomes and that is what PoitiDose has done for the past 9 plus years.  Democratic administrations have accomplishments because they govern with policies and plans to meet the issues at hand.  The GOP govern with a corrupt ideology that has no relationship to the real issues at hand.  PolitiDose commentary predicted how the Obama administration would move the country out of the great Bush43 recession of 2008 with plans and policies to bring back the economy with jobs and did the same thing with President Biden turning around the great Trump recession.  President Obama created more jobs in 8 years than Bush41, Bush43 and Trump did in the 16 years they served.

The only ones who do not get it are the uninformed and the GOP.  And so, my fellow Americans, stay tuned to PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary for the facts concerning the real issues.

This commentary writtng by Joe Lorio