Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Reflections and Thoughts On The Saints 2017 Season

The Saints winning season in 2017  was only their second in the last six seasons and this writer does not think a guide in guessing what the future will bring.  New Orleans sports writers are beginning to express their views for next year but so far just a repeat of what they did in the past.  In a Times Picayune article of January 15 Larry Holder reported Brees said, "I really feel like we're really building something .  A window of time here, a window where we can really  make a run at it."  Brees has made similar statements during the past six years and it never happened.

This writer's thoughts are different than the sports world talk.  The Saints were an improved team but lacked a consistent defensive effort, especially against the good teams.  Their defense was AWOL in the first half against the Vikings and of course the last 25 seconds in that game was fatal.  New Orleans sports writers overrated the defense.  The Saints are much improved at running back but still lack balance in their play calling and Payton's arrogance is not helpful.  And although they had a winning season, they failed to finish strong again losing 4 of their last 8 games.

The Saints defensive co-ordinator's ability to get the job done is still unsettled in this writers mind and I do not believe time is on his side.  Drew Brees is on his way out and his personal records do not help the team win as a team.  His poor performance against the Vikings in the first half will be repeated in the future.  As of this writing, my judgement on the Saints for next season will be little progress from where they finished this year.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Erick Erickson: Immigration and DACA

Erickson's opinion column in the Times Picayune of January 14 titled, "Congress should take immigration off the table represents the same old conservative ditto head fake news of President Trump and the GOP.  He says congress should let those immigrants under DACA (dreamers) stay, take the issue off the table for now and take it up later  His total remarks in the article are silly and full of holes  Actually, Trump can settle the "dreamers" issue himself by telling congress he will not deport them.  He himself created the problem by cancelling DACA but Erickson 's article is silent on the issue.

Erickson says neither the republicans or democrats want to finalize the issue and points to the fact that President George W. Bush wanted to take up the immigration matter in 2005 but the GOP had no consensus on what to do.  Then he makes the silly and fake news statement that the democrats controlled everything in 2009 and did nothing because they wasted time passing the ACA.  Actually, the democrats did a lot when they controlled the Presidency and congress in 2009.  They passed President Obama's economic pan, the stimulus, bank regulations and other needed policies that moved the country out of the great republican recession of 2008,

The real news Erickson was silent on was the fact that the democratic controlled U.S. Senate did pass immigration reform that died in the republican controlled U.S. House by not allowing the measure to be introduced in the House.  Erickson also fails to point out the republican party controlled both houses of congress for four years during the George W. Bush administration and did nothing concerning immigration.  Trump and the GOP can find a quick solution to the DACA issue they created by following the democratic lead on the matter.  Instead, Trump has changed his mind on the issue over and over and again just last week.  Ditto head opinion columns like Erickson are void of any true value to an issue that is not going away.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio