Tuesday, August 27, 2019

President Trump: A Traitor Still Occupy's The White House

President Trump went to France to attend the G-7 annual conference and was once again a lost isolated soul who skipped out on more than one meeting and the world's leader failed to lead.  But the trumpet man did find time to be Russia's Putin spoke person and agent and declared once again that Russia should be allowed back in the G-7 group.  He then played the blame game and blamed President Obama for the groups ouster of Russia

Trump then took it to the next level of betrayal and once again displayed he was autocrat Putin's proxy by saying he would invite Putin to the U.S. next year when the G-7 has its conference in the United States.  President Trump continues to betray our allies and America by paying more attention to autocratic rule than democracy.  And he invites Putin to America next year close to the 2020 Presidential election which the FBI recently said Russia is committed to interrupt.

Thirty one months in office and Trump is still in bed with Russia and Putin.  It is an indication that Putin does have something on Trump and the trumpet man wants it to remain secret.  Every day it is a new traitorous act by the President and his willingness to work with Russia during the 2016 Presidential election to seek dirt on an opponent is evident of his traitorous attitude.  Any public disagreement between the U.S. and Russia is only a side show on Trump's watch to cover up what really is going on between them.

Trump's sad performance at the G-7 and his failure to lead weakens that alliance and what it could accomplish for the greater good.  The global economy and other issues that affect the world needed to be addressed and the leader of the free world was there in body only.  The mind and the spirit was on Trump's ego which magnifies his lack of mental capacity.  Another major event and another reason why Trump is unfit to be President.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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