Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Orlando: Another tragedy By Gun Violence

It has been an unending story in America.  Death by guns in the hands of people who should not have them, especially an assault type military weapon.  Forty nine innocent people killed and many more wounded.  An assault type military rifle was used which the shooter purchased only a few days before according to the FBI.  The rifle was purchased legally because gun loopholes in the law are as common as loopholes in the tax code for the wealthy.

The Orlando shooter could not have purchased the rifle legally had the ban on such weapons been extended, but the Bush 43 administration let the ban die and did not push to keep it in place.  An assault rifle is a weapon of war.  Can anyone honestly say they should be in the hands of civilians?   The ban actually worked while in place and police chiefs all over the country supported it.

Trump's statement about the Orlando shooting that the people in the club where the shooting occurred should have had guns to   protect themselves and that the best way to protect from a bad man with a gun is a good man with a gun.  Trump simply stated the NRA's position which is so childish and unbecoming a man who would like to be President.
President Ronald Reagan was in the company of good men with guns (the Secret Service) yet Reagan was shot by an assassin.  President Kennedy was in the same company with good men plus the Dallas police department, yet the President was killed.  Police all across America carry guns yet they can not stop gun violence and in some instance can not even save their own lives.  Trump and the leaders of the NRA are not wrapped tight and do not belong in the conversation of how to have control over gun violence.

Sixteen states have gun control laws that have reduced violence by guns by large percentages.  Don't take my word for it, just go on line and see for yourself.  The NRA and the uninformed are the only ones standing in the way of reasonable gun measures to fight the epidemic of gun violence.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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