Friday, June 24, 2016

Two Journalists Whose Writings Are Void Of Spin

Journalists E.J. Dionne, Jr. and Paul Krugman's political commentary sets the standard for factual reporting and are always up to date on the subject matter they write about.  In the past two weeks Dionne wrote a commentary in the New Orleans Advocate and Krugman wrote a commentary in the New Orleans Times Picayune concerning Donald Trump, the republican and democratic party and Hillary Clinton.

Dionne's commentary titled, "Trump and the GOP's Jurassic Park" articulated how Trump and the republican party's extremism go hand in hand and how the party leaders are having problems trying to distance themselves from Trump while at the same time supporting him.  And Dionne correctly points out Trump speaks for the majority of their rank and file.  Dionne also said it best when he said, "the paradox is that Trump, who claims to speak for the people, shares this very low opinion of who Americans are."

Krugman's commentary titled, "Presidential campaign is tale of two political parties" points out with clarity the republican party is a hollow party of ideology while the democratic party is a coalition party of many groups with a diversity of interest.  He also says that the being a hollow party the Republican establishment was easily overthrown by Trump in the debates by his attacks on his republican opponents lack of achievements.  Of course that stuck because they and the party have no accomplishments.

Krugman also reported a study by Harvard's Sharenstein Center that showed the media treatment of the presidential candidates during 2015 that Clinton received by far (84%) the most unfavorable coverage, twice as high as Trumps and that unfavorable coverage can be equated to millions of dollars in attack ads with Clinton on the receiving end.

For those who read "PolitiDose" the theme in Dionne and Krugman's commentary should sound familiar because you read it here first in "PolitiDose" long ago.  That includes the media's love affair with Trump and the free time he is given and the constant barrage of negative comments about Clinton.  This writer does not compare his writing to Dionne or Krugman but thinks he can see the issues with out all the hype and spin and come to a reasonable conclusion.

Yes, Donald Trump and the republican party are one and the same with extremist views on almost all the issues.  The news media promoted Trump's speech this past Wednesday as a policy speech on the economy and foreign policy.  But it turned out to be an extreme personal attack on Hillary Clinton and even questioned her religion.  Religion is what many factions in the middle east fight over and even commit terrorist attacks in the name of their religion.  We are a country where church and state is separate, and for good reason.  Trump is more in tuned to an extremist state.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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