Thursday, June 30, 2016

Another Slap Down For The Republicans in Congress and The Fox News Network

The U.S. House Select Committee issued and released its final report on Benghazi and we now know it was not a Hillary Clinton scandal like the republicans and the Fox News Network claimed  over and over since day one.  It was the longest and most expensive congressional investigation ever by congress.  The readers of "PolitiDose" knew it was no scandal and read it here first in "PolitiDose" long ago.  It should be noted that Donald Trump after announcing he would run for President started using the republicans talking point of blaming Hillary for the terror attack on Benghazi.

Clinton herself testified before the committee in person for over 8 hours many months ago and the committee came up empty handed because she was such a credible witness.  The report found no new evidence of culpability or wrongdoing by Clinton in the Benghazi attack. The so called scandal was a continuation of the negative attacks against Clinton by the republicans and the Fox network that has been going on for many years.  Republican house majority leader Kevin McCarthy told Fox news in September of last year that the committee's work had put a dent in Clinton's poll numbers.  McCarthy and Fox were not concerned about the truth of Benghazi, they just wanted to damage Clinton.

One can be accurate in saying a high percentage of Clinton's negative poll numbers can be traced to the personal attacks against her.  Republicans and conservatives knew they could not articulate any accomplishments they themselves have made or debate the issues the country faces so negative attacks are the only answers they have.

Clinton is a serious public servant who will not allow personal attacks to stop her from serving her country and its people.  Her character over shadows her opponents hostility and lies.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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