Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Luke Johnson Lights The Torch of Understanding Why Some Take A Knee During The National Anthem

It took a U.S.  Marine, New Orleans Advocate sports writer Luke Johnson in a commentary dated 6/4 in response to Drew Brees initial comment on the subject matter to put the issue in proper context.  Johnson, an Iraq veteran in a common sense opinion covered all the bases that were lacking in previous debates and comments on an issue that divided the country and its people.

Since Johnson's article, Brees, his wife, the NFL, various other peoples and organizations have come out with statements that indicate a change in attitude of what the protest are all about and that they are not about protesting the flag or the national anthem.  The turn around has been swift because a much broader debate has taken place thanks to Mr. Johnson's articulation of the issue.

In a previous PolitiDose commentary, this writer recommended that Johnson's article should be read by all.  It is impossible to know how many did read his article but we know one man's thoughts can make a difference, especially a veteran like Johnson who obviously understands and has experienced all sides of the issue.  One thing is for sure, the issue will not be solved by politicians who divide us.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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