Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Republican Party's Lack Of Character

The health-care debate has exposed just how phony the Republican party is concerning this issue. The Democratic health-care plans have been out in the public's view for the past six or seven months. It has been debated on radio, television, town hall meetings, newspapers, public forums and you name it, so the American people have been exposed to the plans in a transparent way. That is the way it should be because the public has a right to know.

Now at the last minute the Republican party introduced their health-care plan just last week when the U.S. House took up the measure for a vote. The Democratic plan passed and the Republican plan failed. The Republican party did not expose their health plan to the public like the Democrats did theirs. Republicans like to keep the public in the dark about what they are really up to. That is a slap in the face to the American people. Their plan was phony like their actions so they did not want the news media or town hall meetings to dig into the substance of their plan.

I have written in past commentaries how I believe the Democratic party is more in touch with reality and that it is good for America when they some times disagree within their own party concerning issues the country faces. The Republicans in congress have become "ditto heads" and dare not stray from the phony conservatism they preach. Over 30 Democrats voted against their own party's health-care plan in the U.S. House vote. Only one Republican, Joseph Cao voted for the Democratic plan. The rest voted no with their "ditto heads."

The American people should understand that the country is paying a heavy price for a phony Republican ideology that opposes anything that is likely to move the country forward. Hopefully, the President and the Democratic party will use their leadership wisely and do those things that really matter and make a difference for the country and its people.

1 comment :

Tom Degan said...

A party by any other name would whither and die....

And speaking of names, folks: why don't they just rename themselves the "Tea Party" and be done with it. This is certainly not the Republican Party of Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt.

Is it the goal of these clowns that they destroy the GOP in order that it may be rebuilt in their hideous image? If that is the case they're in for more-than-a-few surprises. That silly party is already "in their image". Are they serious when they imply that they wish to move it even further to the right? How "far right" can one move before one falls off of the face of the earth? Are they serious?

Watching the utter implosion of the Grand Old Party in the last year has been the gift that just keeps giving and giving. Someone pinch me!


Tom Degan
Goshen, NY