Friday, September 27, 2013

PolitiDose And Paul Krugman Report The Facts

New York columnist and economist Paul Krugman in an editorial dated 9/25 in the Times Picayune titled,"Freedom's Just Another Word For Not Enough To Eat" reported the fact that overall federal spending has been falling fast and runaway federal spending is not happening.  If that sounds familiar it is because you read it here first in PolitiDose.

This writer in many past commentary here in PolitiDose has pointed out how federal spending at the end of President Obama's first fiscal year was down 1.6% compared to the previous fiscal year.  The same was true of Obama's third fiscal year compared to his second fiscal year and that over all federal spending has seen the smallest increases in over 50 years on Obama's watch.

When republicans talk about runaway federal spending they accurately are describing what took place on the republican watch of Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43.  Republican lies on the subject matter has been countered by the facts and PolitiDose has been in front exposing their lies. 

The American people deserve the facts but facts are not presented on the Sunday talk shows, cable news and certainly not on the Fox News Network.    PolitiDose will continue to lead the way on those issues that really matter and make a difference and I feel sure Paul Krugman will do the same.

This commentary written by John Lucia

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