Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Fox News: Pretty Faces Among The Men, But Still No Substance At The Network.

There are a lot of attractive ladies among the male commentators at the Fox News Network, but like the men, no substance in their reports.  That is to be expected because the network's primary function and mission is negative reporting on anything concerning democrats, the Obama administration and of course any issue they can find that would divide the country and its people.

Disregarding the facts and truths seems to be a requirement to work for the network it happens so often.  One thing you can take to the bank, that is, any time a network feels it has to tell its audience over and over it is "fair and balanced" you can believe it certainly is not.  You can also tell who is the greatest of "spin television."  It comes from the "no spin zone" of the big 0 who has the number 1 rated show and who passes over facts so often he believes the fairy tale himself.

I often wonder how so many people at one network can let themselves be used as pawns to promote an ideology that would have never been supported or tolerated by the Greatest Generation.  The lack of character, courage and facts is sadly missing at the Fox News Network. 

This commentary written by John Lucia.

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